martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008

Heridas complicadas

Una regla basada en Cazador: La Venganza, que he desarrollado para introducir mayores problemas al hecho de ser herido. Las heridas letales causan complicaciones a los cuerpos humanos, no son heridas que puedan aguantarse y continuar el día a día esperando que se curen. Los diferentes contratiempos son apilables.

Leer más... -Lesionado: Requiere atención médica de bajo nivel (Int+Med) exitosa para poder curarse. Cada día hasta que la reciba (1 éxito), sufrirá un nivel más de daño.
-Herido: Hemorragia. Un nivel más de daño por hora, hasta que se corte (Int+Med o Ast+Spv, 1 éxito)
-Tullido: Requiere hospitalización. Si algún día no estuviese hospitalizado, sufriría un nivel más de daño.


Reserva: Int+med

Solo una tirada para cada herido, que puede bajar de un estado de salud al inmediato anterior. Solo sirve con heridas letales, y únicamente entre Lesionado y Malherido.

Esta tirada es dificil (ver tabla) y a menudo contará con un +2 a la dif indicada en concepto de no tener equipo adecuado (equipo médico más allá de tiritas y similares, que hablamos de sanar garrazos, balazos, katanazos....)

Una pifia causa un nivel de daño más al paciente.
Un fallo, causa que hasta que el paciente cure por completo, ninguna tirada de primeros auxilios le reportará beneficios.

Estado ----- Éxitos necesarios

Lesionado -------- 3 (dif 6)
Herido ------------- 4 (dif 7)
Malherido -------- 5 (dif 7)

Atributos aleatorios

Este sistema pretende ser una forma para determinar aleatoriamente la distribución de atributos.

Este sistema no contempla casos concretos ni distribuciones raras de los puntos, como podría ser p.ej fue y res a 1 y des a 4, si no que recoge distribuciones mas o menos normales que podrían darse en viandantes comunes (A la par que evita distribuciones de puntos de las que a veces los powerplayers suelen gustar) El Narrador es libre (y puede venir bien) que en momentos puntuales no use este sistema si cree que una combinación mas radical es adecuada (p.ej un trapecista circense, con una distribución radical de puntos tal que 2/5/3).

Leer más... Se empieza con los atributos terciarios para ver que patrón de distribución siguen los puntos. Si el pnj en cuestión los tiene como secundarios o primarios, después de tirar en terciarios, se va a la entrada que proceda y se tira una segunda vez, donde el resultado se añade a la distribución resultante en la entrada para terciarios. En primarios y secundarios, 10 se lanza nuevamente.

Ej: Un pnj con atributos físicos primarios lanza en la entrada terciarios 1d10 y saca 3, teniendo una distribución 2/2/2, pero como el no tiene físicos como terciarios (si no ya estaría) acude a la tabla de primarios y vuelve a tirar, sacando un 7, así que a su 2/2/2 suma 2/0/2 para un total de 4/2/4, que es la puntuación de físicos que tiene finalmente. Luego se haría lo propio con los mentales y sociales.

Primarios (7)
2/1/1 1-2
1/2/1 3-4
1/1/2 5-6
2/0/2 7
0/2/2 8
2/2/0 9

Secundarios (5)
0/1/1 1-2
1/1/0 3-4
1/0/1 5-6
0/0/2 7
0/2/0 8
2/0/0 9

Terciarios (3)
2/2/2 1-4
1/3/2 5
1/2/3 6
2/3/1 7
2/1/3 8
3/2/1 9
3/1/2 10

L.A, Ciudad de Ángeles

Con este post solo pretendo dar algunos recursos para además de los manuales (LA nocturno. mascarada segunda edición, o ciudad de angeles, de demonio) dar mas vidilla a la ciudad (Dicen que los capitulos 5 a 7 del slang están muy bien)

Estadisticas de delitos
- Por años
Por zonas

Unidades especiales
de la policia de LA

Ya sobre la ciudad, wikipedia, y desde esta entrada se puede ir saltando a otras interesantes

Barrios de LA
Metro de LA

Oficina de Armas de fuego
en California (atención a sus FAQ)
Resumen de la legislación de Armas de Fuego en California


Posteo mi sistema para esto del cambio de recipientes.

Para apostar por este sistema me he basado (como siempre) en una adecuación entre simpleza (mdt no son reglamentos de los de tirar 5 veces para lograr el maximo realismo) realismo (que sea logico y coherente, por mucho que pueda putear al jugador o beneficiarle, no juzgar las cosas a nivel de juego, si no si es o no lo adecuado), adecuación a lo oficial (nada de inventar nuevas reglas estramboticas) y tb muy importante, espiritu del juego (que el resultado "matematico" final no lleve el concepto de juego a donde se supone que no tiene que ir, si no al contrario, que las reglas y su posible uso en plan powerplayer este estudiado para conducir al espiritu de juego adecuado, p.ej, aceptar que un demonio al cambiar de recipiente pille habilidades de este, incita al powerjuego y a un tratamiento inadecuado de los recipientes, así que eso de "poseo al abogado y me apunto su valor de leyes" ha sido descartado de pleno, p.ej, ya que llevaria a ver el cambio de cuerpos como una herramienta, y la idea no es esa)

Leer más... ¿Que le pasa a una ficha de demonio cuando cambia de recipiente?

Pues de primeras, cuando un demonio deja su envoltorio mortal, lo primero que sucede es que nota la atracción del pozo tirando de él según se indica en la pag 217.

Suponiendo que logre encontrar un recipiente adecuado, según las reglas indicadas, es donde entran estas reglas.

- Modificaremos los atributos fisicos. Los (mermados) atributos sociales e intelectuales del demonio son suyos cosa que los fisicos no, los fisicos son del cacho de carne que está poseyendo, y por ello varían. El demonio toma los atributos fisicos del cuerpo que ocupa.
Así, un demonio que empezase con un recipiente con fisicos 222 digamos, podria pasar luego al de otro con 555 o 111. Sería como recortar esa parte de la ficha de pj del cuerpo que posee y pegarla como una pegatina sobre la parte correspondiente de la del demonio. No hay que contemplar nada más.

Bajo esta misma premisa tb se heredan todos los méritos y defectos fisicos, si necesitas gafas, si eres cojo, si eres grande, si tienes un cancer.... todo este tipo de circunstancias propias de la carcasa que posees tb se heredan.

- Apariencia. Apariencia es una excepción. En principio la apa no se modifica con el cambio de cuerpo. En principio. Apariencia representa el apecto fisico, el atractivo, pero tb algo más.
Si el narrador estima que el cambio de cuerpo, en el aspecto de la belleza fisica puramente (ya que el encanto, la gracia, el saber lucirse del demonio lo sigue, lo unico que se queda con el cuerpo es la carne) es tan drastico que requiere modificarse, puede introducir modificación en este atributo a su criterio.

P.ej, Un demonio de apa 2 toma el cuerpo de un humano de apa 3, basicamente la diferencia entre un apa 2 y 3 puede ser un tanto subjetiva, quizás los ojos del humano sean mas bonitos, pero quizas el antiguo cuerpo del demonio sea mas musculoso y trabajado, quizás el demonio sepa lucirse mejor que el humano, pero quizás el humano simplemente tenga una sonrisa superior, o dé simplemente mas morbo. El narrador puede tranquilamente considerar que una diferencia de apa 2 a apa 3 no justifica el cambio de atributo. Así, el demonio toma el cuerpo del humano, tiene sus ojos, sus cuerpo, pero no su atributo apa, quizás no pueda sonreir como él, o transmitir esa sexualidad, a fin de cuentas solo tiene su cuerpo.

Por otro lado, luego, el mismo demonio de apa 2 pierde este cuerpo a causa de un incidente con un coche y una bomba lapa y toma el de una estrella del porno de apa 4. El narrador puede entender que fisicamente este nuevo cuerpo es mejor, mas bello, y que la diferencia es tan evidente que si procede un cambio de atributo. Así puede asignarle apa 4, o 3.

Tb puede suceder la inversa, perder apa, porsupuesto, bajo el mismo criterio.

El concepto subyaciente es que apa es un atributo un poco mas complejo que "cojo tu cuerpo, me apunto tu apa" y debe ser valorado por el narrador. Igualmente, si coges el apa de tu nuevo cuerpo, no tienes por que apuntartelo todo. Quizás tu nuevo cuerpo tiene apa 4, pero tu apa 1 refleja torpeza tuya (o quizás no, quizas sencillamente tienes deformidades en tu viejo cuerpo) por lo cual de su apa 4 acabas apuntandote solo 3, o su apa 4 se basa simplemente en el cuerpo, siendo en el trato algo anti-erotico, y quizás, el demonio no tenga este defecto, pudiendo quedarse con su cuerpo y apuntarse su apa 4. No se trata de hacer una media matematica tampoco, es ver la circunstancia concreta. ¿Por que tiene apa baja (o alta) el demonio? ¿es un asunto fisico que no importa por que lo va a dejar atrás? ¿es que no sabe vender a la gente su imagen? ¿Y la puntuación del nuevo recipiente a que obedece? ¿Puramente fisico? ¿Ese valor refleja una menor puntuacion puramente fisica y un "algo más" que el demonio no puede poseer tomando su cuerpo?

La conclusión final es que al tomar un cuepor de apa x, podrias tomar ese valor x, o menos, segun las reflexiones vistas, pero nunca mas de ese x, y que tampoco es una media aritmetica

- Modificamos los trasfondos. Claro, los trasfondos son un mundo, cambias de cuerpo, "eres" otra persona, igual ahora un multimillonario, o un sin techo...los trasfondos van y vienen, y mas si cambias de cuerpo. El istema para defiir los trasfondos nuevos deberia ir, como los fisicos, más allá de la mera repartición en base a las reglas de creación de pjs.

Si tu nuevo cuerpo tiene trasfondos 0, ok, si les tiene todos a 5, ok, es algo contextual.

Al hablar de trasfondos hablamos de los mundanos, los demoniacos porsupuesto no varían por cambiar de cuerpo.

Y sin más, un sistema realista, rapido, y equilibrado para los cambios de cuerpos.

Además, hay algunas reflexiones curiosas

- Cuando con px te subes un fisico, o apa, mi postura es que si, tu vas al gimnasio, te mazas, metes px, y ubes fue de 2 a 3, cambias de cuerpo. Realmente, veo claro que deberias perder esto, tus iguiente cuerpo igual tiene fue 1 o 5, pero hs perdido esa inversió que hiciste de px. Desde la logica deberia ser así, pero desde lo lúdico, deberia mantenerse ese "bonus" para la puntuación de fue del siguiente recipiente (si tien 2 seria 3 por haberte subido 1 con px) Es lo ludico frente a lo logico. Me inclino un poco por lo lúdico, aceptandolo omo necesario, pues el propio concepto de px es 101% ludico, tu vas al gimnasio y no necesitas px para ponerte cachas, pero yo no te dejaria sin px, por ludismo, luego por el mismo concepto deberia e respetar la px invertida en fisicos.

- Los lenguajes. Partiendo de que un demonio (por lo dicho arriba) no toma las habilidades del cuerpo que posee, hay casos en los que esto podría resultar estúpido. Un demonio que posee a un programador que un buen dia deja de poder programar, p.ej (por que el demonio tiene informatica 0) y todos los casos en los que una habilidad relevante de la vida cotidiana sea un conocimiento, o sin llegar a tanto, que se note que es muy malo en las habilidades cometentes (un bombero con atl, seguridad, a 3 p.ej, poseido por un demonio que no tiene, p.ej)

Bueno, estos casos son curiosos, pero que el demonio no sea capaz de hablar el idioma de su huesped, es muy triste.

Para idiomas, sugiero regalar al demonio un idioma nuevo (lo cual podria hacer que su nivel de linguistica aumentase, si cuadra, y de paso le quedaría potencial para aprender mas idiomas) y que se le imponga como prioridad a pagar con px este regalo (que por tanto deja de ser tal)

Igualmente, si es considerado necesario por el master, se le podria aplicar el mismo razonamiento a otras habilidades, sea para evitar casos ridiculos, sea como oportunidad para que el demonio acumule experiencias de sus pasos por diferentes cuerpos y se vea influenciado por ellos.

Criaturas voladoras

Junto con las posesiones de recipientes, el sistema de alas y vuelo (o planeo, mejor dicho) me parece uno de los grandes puntos por cubrir del juego. Así que por ello desarrollé un sistema para el vuelo.Este sistema de vuelo pretende ser crossover, regulando el sistema de vuelo de todo tipo de criaturas aladas del MdT. A ver que os parece.

Sistema crossover de vuelo (v2.0)

El regreso de los Ángeles

Los libros de Demonio no tocan el asunto de la lucha contra los ángeles. No hay ángeles, ni ocultos ni sin ocultar por el MdT (Al menos, como se presenta el juego). Con todo lo que el juego hable de infierno, de fé, de ángeles, y de la guerra celestial, los ángeles no son parte de este juego. Al menos como es presentado. En el Tiempo del juicio, pag 80, sale un recuadro por si el narrador quiere considerar meter ángeles durante el tiempo del juicio.

Leer más... - Los ángeles no tienen cuerpos físicos. Se muestran en las mismas formas apocalípticas que los caídos (el saber primario que haya tomado de entre los 3 de su casa), aunque sin rasgos de alto tormento. Estos cuerpos son armazones de fe pura. No es necesario gastar Fe para crear una forma. Mientras el ángel disponga de un punto de Fe podrá mantener su forma. Evocaciones tales como el Saber de la Carne, que afectan al cuerpo físico, no tienen efecto alguno sobre los ángeles.

Para usar las reglas de creación de formas apocalípticas de la Guía del Jugador de Demonio, se considera que los ángeles tienen solo 10 puntos de forma, y solo 4 rasgos de forma (de bajo tormento, obviamente)

- Los ángeles no tienen rasgo de Tormento, y son inmunes al infierno y su absorción

- Tienen 5 en todos los atributos, pero no tienen habilidades. Tiran Atributo + Fçe, deciden que reserva quieren tirar como si fuese la habilidad, y gastando esos puntos de Fé, suman esa cantidad de dados a su reserva para la tirada.

- Los ángeles pueden ser consumidos del mismo modo que los Caídos. Sus Verdaderos Nombres pueden ser descubiertos a través de investigaciones o del estudio de sus evocaciones. Sin embargo, en virtud de su conexión con el Creador, no pueden ser invocados ni atados.

- Su FV es siempre 10

- No pueden crear pactos

- Los ángeles solo son afectados por el daño Agravado. Además, pueden curarlo, a cinco puntos de Fe por nivel. Los Ángeles de bajo rango tienen 10 niveles de salud, los de rango medio 15 y los de rango alto 25. Los ángeles no se curan de manera natural; han de gastar Fe para reparar cualquier herida. Si un ángel se queda sin Fe y se ve obligado a volver al Cielo, conservará sus heridas hasta que consiga Fe suficiente para curarse.

- Los ángeles usan los mismos saberes que los caídos (la mayoría, por ser comunes a rebeldes y lealistas, y los que se desarrollaron por los caídos en la guerra, por que finalmente los adoptaron)

- Un ángel domina los 3 saberes de su casa (la pauta del saber principal definiendo su forma apocalíptica y con el nivel mas alto se mantiene) más el del fundamento y la humanidad.

- Los ángeles de bajo rango disponen de 15 puntos para repartir entre Saberes. Los de rango medio disponen de 20, y los de alto rango 25.

- Además, los puntos de Fe pueden utilizarse para aumentar el alcance o el área de efecto de las evocaciones, sumando 10 unidades por punto (metros, km, o la unidad que sea)

- Los puntos de Fe también se pueden utilizar para comprar éxitos en las evocaciones.

Erratas del manual básico

Leer más... Erratas de las Formas Apocalípticas:

Brazos extras: La habilidad brazos extras de la forma apocalíptica provee al demonio con dos ataques extras por turno con la reserva de dados completa del personaje, o permite un bloqueo o parada sin forzar al personaje a abortar su acción planeada para ese turno. (Paginas 188, 192, 194, 200, 206, y 207)

Armadura: Todos los tipos de armadura (incluyendo la habilidad de placas de la forma apocalíptica de los Diablos) proveen protección contra el daño agravado así como al contundente y al letal (pagina 239)

Erratas de invocaciones:

Encantar Objeto (Saber de la Forja, nivel cuatro): El número de éxitos requeridos para crear satisfactoriamente un objeto encantado es 4 por el número de puntos de Fe con los que se quieran investir al objeto. Así, se quiere crear un objeto con 1 punto de fe, se requieren 4 éxitos (4x1=4) en una tirada extendida de Destreza + Pericias (Pagina 191)

Fade (Saber de la Humanidad, nivel tres): El jugador tira manipulación + Subterfugio, no manipulación + Presencia. (Pagina 174).

Manipular la carne (Saber de la Carne, nivel 3): Los efectos de esta invocación duran una escena (pagina 208).

Sentir la Congruencia (Saber de los Patrones, nivel uno): El texto dice: “un éxito muestra la localización donde el evento ocurrirá, pero no cuando o donde será. Debería leerse: “un éxito muestra la localización donde el evento ocurrirá, pero no cuando o como ocurrirá”. (Pagina 192)

Torcer el Tiempo (Saber de los Patrones, nivel cinco). El texto dice: “Los que penetren en el espacio de la burbuja sentirán que se altera el tiempo a menos que tu personaje lo desee”. Debería leerse: “Los que penetren en el espacio de la burbuja no sentirán que se altera el tiempo a menos que tu personaje lo desee”. (Pagina 193)


La Fe no puede usarse para absorber el daño contundente, letal o agravado. (Pagina 239)


Cuando se hace una tirada de invocación, compara tus éxitos a tu Tormento- si la mayoría de los éxitos sacados muestran números iguales o menores que el Tormento del personaje, el efecto de Alto-Tormento se produce.

Ejemplo: Magdiel deseas usar Decadencia en el cuerpo de un paciente con cáncer. La Resistencia de Magdiel es 2 y su Medicina es 3, sumando un total de 5 dados, y su Tormento es de 7. La dificultad para la tirada es la Standard de 6. Adam consigue tres éxitos: un 7, un 9 y un 9. Tiene más éxitos cuyo números son mayores que su Tormento, por lo tanto la invocación funciona tal y como había planeado. Si hubiera sacado un 6, un 6, y un 8, sin embargo, el efecto de Alto-Tormento se habría producido.
Los fracasos cancelan los éxitos comenzando por el dado que muestre un número más alto. (Paginas 161 y 169).

Fuerza de Voluntad

No puedes gastar un punto de Fuerza de voluntad para evitar la perdida de un punto de Fe si fracasas en una tirada de invocación. (Pagina 163)

Hablar a otro demonio

Leer más...
Ya no hablamos de que un demonio escuche su nombre pronunciado, ahora ya hablamos de que se busca una comunicación hacia otro demonio.

Para que dos demonios hablen, el que "llama" si tiene que conocer, evidentemente el nombre del que es llamado (y además, poseer 1 puntos de Fe temporal minimo), pero no al revés.

El que "llama", puede soltar todo el speech que quiera (claro, debe superar una tirada de fé a 6, si usa el nombre verdadero, o 7, si usa el celestial), y entonces, el que es llamado, incluso sin saber el nombre, mientras tenga 1 pto de fe temporal, puede responder (sin tirar), pero solo un turno. Ojo.

Cualquiera de las partes puede decir "voy a estirar la conversación" (bueno la conversación, el otro siempre puede callar, pero cuando menos cualquiera de las partes puede mantener el canal abierto y seguir hablando) para lo cual tira fv a 6.

El punto a darse cuenta es que no se puede presuponer una conversación libre de "hablemos cuanto queramos como si estuviesemos tomando un café" Quizás con demonio sde fe 8 podamos presuponerlo para no aburrirnos tirando dados, pero con demonios de fe 3-4, tirando contra 7, al lorito caballeros, que hay que tirar dados, a veces las tiradas no salen...

Concilios de demonios

Esta regla de "Hablar a otro demonio" puede tomar una cierta modificación. Un demonio podría hablar a [Fe] demonios a la vez, si conoce los nombres de todos ellos. Para realizar esto, realiza una tirada de Fe contra 7, una sola tirada para todos los implicados. O escuchan el mensaje todos, o ninguno.

Consideraciones varias

A los esclavos se les puede hablar sin tirada alguna; es automatico (por el poder del pacto), inclusive, el mismo mensaje puede enviarse a [Fe] esclavos a la vez. Cuando se habla a un esclavo, el demonio puede intentar "estirar la conversación" (fv a 6) periodo en el cual el esclavo podrá dirigirse a él, pero si su señor no le habla, el esclavo no puede hacer nada para contactarle más que hablar solo diciendo el nombre de su amo infernal (evidentemente, como cualquier mortal!) para que este se pueda acoger a las reglas de "escuchar tu nombre"

La excepción a esto son los esclavos que tengan imbuído algún poder (que puedan hacer invocaciones, vamos, que se les haya dado algún nivel de algún saber) ellos si que pueden dirigirse a su amo, ya que a efectos de comunicación son tratados como demonios y pueden acogerse a las reglas de "Hablar a otro demonio"

Esta conversación no es telepática. Aunque sea en bajito, el demonio debe murmurar lo que dice, y su interlocutor lo oirá "mentalmente" pero él debe verbalizarlo. Si tenemos a dos demonios en cada punta del mundo en una habitación hablando entre si, y tenemos una grabadora en cada sala, la grabadora a solo grabará lo que diga el demonio a, y la b solo grabará lo que diga la b, evidentemente, pero juntando ambas grabaciones tendremos la conversación entera, para entendernos.

Escuchar tu nombre

Leer más...
Es sabido que los demonios pueden hablar entre sí conociendo sus nombres, pero existen dos reglas diferenciadas, una es la de activamente hablar a, y otra (esta) es la de escuchar tu nombre, que auqnue se parezca, no es lo mismo.

En mi experiencia, los jugadores mezclan y confunden los conceptos de "le hablo" con "oigo que dice mi nombre" cuando aparecen conversaciones como "Referne, ¿estás allí?" (Donde el demonio indudablemente está pronunciando su nombre, aunque además puede estar hablando al tal Referne, con lo que estarían actuando las dos reglas a la vez, hablar, y escuchar tu nombre)

Pronunciar un nombre es de alguna manera una forma de comunicarse. El demonio no habla a su destinatario, si no que pronuncia su nombre, dando derecho a su destinatario a usar su habilidad de escuchar su nombre, para obtener 3 éxitos, o para (solo con 1) que "le devuelva la llamada"

Cuando alguien, en algún lugar, pronuncia el nombre del demonio, este demonio realiza una tirada de Fe (dif 7, si es el nombre celestial, dif 6 si es el verdadero) y percibe que su nombre ha sido pronunciado con mayor grado de detalles añadidos a mas exitos saque.

1 ex: Imagen mental del hablante

2 ex: Además, su entorno inmediato (el tipo con el que habla, el coche en el que viaja, la parte del garito donde se encuentra, la habitación en la que está...) Esto no implica que sepa DONDE esta eso que ve, no recibe ningún tipo de señal de posicionamiento.

3 ex o más: Esta es la cantidad de éxitos que nos ocupa. Además de lo anterior, se escucha un turno al hablante.

Viendo esto, se ve que es un error presuponer cosas como "tiro fe, 1 exito, que dice el que me ha mentado?" Son requeridos 3 exitos según hemos visto para poder escuchar lo que nos dicen, y solo durante 1 turno

Si bien, clarificando este concepto, es necesario decir que con los 3 éxitos, el demonio, tiene una opción que puede coger si quiere, que es una vez después de ese turno, ir tirando fv a 8 cada nuevo turno hasta que falle, y mientras no falle, podrá seguir "poniendo la oreja"

Notesé en todo momento que estamos hablando de escuchar, nunca de hablar.

Autoría y divulgación

Este blog es parte de la comunidad de rincones que abandera el Rincón Del Vampiro.

La comunidad de rincones la componen el Rincón del Vampiro, el Rincón del Wraith (recientemente, en Agosto del 2008, tras 4 años parada, el RdV se ha hecho cargo de ella) y ahora, el Rincón del Demonio

En toda entrada de este blog se indica el autor del contenido. Caso de no indicarse, contacta conmigo (será autoría mía, o alguna explicación tendrá). La divulgación desde otras webs de este contenido requiere consentimiento del autor. Si tienes problemas para contactar con un autor, contacta igualmente conmigo (creo que podré ayudarte)

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En el pasado he tenido incidencias con otras webs, que han ido desde el plagio descarado (llegando a copiar nuestro texto introductorio cambiando la firma de nuestro webmaster y preteniendo retorcer la licencia de distribución del RdV para decir que se tiene derecho a ello) a simplemente divulgar con la mejor intención, citando autoría, textos que reclamamos como exclusivos.

Yo personalmente pienso que aunque ciertos contenidos genéricos, o mecanografiados desde un manual, podrían ser públicos, creaciones particulares deberían de ser propias de cada web. Webs que existen de recopilar diferentes trabajos, son algo muy respetable, pero son espacios que existen gracias al trabajo de otros, en lugar de fomentar que cada espacio cree sus propios contenidos, dando lugar a diferentes ofertas para el lector. El mérito de estos espacios es cuestionable. ¿Que sucedería en la red si todas las paginas ofertasen el mismo contenido, creado por los autores de siempre? ¿Como de correcto es que un autor levante su web con contenido propio y este contenido mantenga, digamos, 7 paginas más? ¿Uno puede mantener su web recopilando trabajos de otros? (Eso suena casi como un servidor espejo...) Es muy libre levantar una web a base de recopilar contenido, y hasta positivo, tanto como no permitir que tu contenido salga de tu control, que es lo que hoy en día a veces se ve como "censura" o "egoismo". Nos hemos acostumbrado a que mientras indiques la fuente, todo es divulgable, y que si no dejamos que se divulgue, somos egoistas. Nos pensamos que por citar la fuente ya podemos hacer lo que queramos.

Es por ello que para divulgar desde otros espacios el contenido de este blog requiero que se solicite permiso expreso al autor, que será quien decida si autorizarlo o no. Lo correcto o incorrecto, de divulgar una obra ajena, al final, queda determinado por la autorización o no del creador del contenido, es la forma clara de zanjar si algo es correcto o no. El señor que ha creado el contenido será quien determine si su obra puede estar o no donde nosotros queremos.

Saberes XVII: Saber de los reinos

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Sense the Barrier (1 Dot)

The Slayer is able to sense the relative strength of the barrier between the physical and the spirit realms in an area as large as a city block, allowing the demon to home in on regions where the boundary is exceptionally thick or thin.

System: Roll Perception + Awareness. If your roll is successful, your Slayer can zero in on any regions of unusual strength or weakness in the barrier between the realms. As a rule of thumb, the barrier between realms tends to be strongest in areas where the unfluence of human faith is weakest. Therefore, a science lab that promotes cold intellect over intuition might have a strong barrier, while a graveyard or a church might have a weak barrier. Your demon can read an area that's 10 square yards multiplied by his Faith score.

Torment: Monstrous demons can sense only area where the barrier is weak, drawn by the call of the spirit storm raging just beyond.

Step Beyond the Veil (2 Dots)

This evocation allows the Slayer to physically cross the barrier into the shadow world, a lifeless mirror image of the mortal world. Doing so allows the demon to travel vast distances in the shadow realm at the speed of thought and return to the physical world at a corresponding location.

Crossing over also allows a demon to interact with the spirits of the dead that linger on the other side.

System: Roll Dexterity + Awareness. The difficulty is determined by the relative strength of the barrier in the area where your Slayer tries to cross. Doing so at a weak point (a church or graveyard) is difficulty 6. Crossing over in an old house or apartment building that has seen generations of occupants is difficulty 7. Crossing from a shopping mall is 8. Once in the shadow land, your character can fly across the bleak landscape with the speed of thought. Roll Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 8), allowing a demon to cover a mile each turn per success rolled. The roads and buildings in the shadow realm are just as real to your demon as are their physical-world counterparts. She must traverse any physical obstacles and find her way to her destination just as she would in the mortal world. Upon reaching her destination, the demon can return automatically to the corresponding place in the physical realm, appearing as if from nowhere. All other actions are performed as normal in the spirit realm, but the furious storm raging there increases difficulties to 8, at the least. Furthermore, your Slayer loses a point of temporary Willpower each time a roll botches. If the demon loses all her Willpower, she is torn from her mortal host. The body is returned to the physical realm and the disembodied soul must fight the pull of the Abyss while searching for another anchor.

Your character cannot take passengers with her to or from the spirit or living realms.

Encountering and communication with spirits in the dead lands is similar to meeting people in the living world. Spirits have their own identities and agendas and may be willing or unwilling to interact with visitors. Demons can use Lore of the Spirit to encourage such interaction.

Torment: Monstrous demons that cross into the spirit world create a "seam" in the barrier that draws restless spirits into the physical world, resulting in temporary but intense hauntings. This seam remains in the area for a number of days equal to the demon's Torment score.

Ghostwalk (3 Dots)

This evocation allows the demon to exist simultaneously in both the physical and spirit realms. She can interact with both mortals and spirits, and pass through objects in both places.

System: Roll Stamina + Awareness. The difficulty is determined by the relative strength of the barrier in the area where the Slayer performs the evocation. Doing so at a weak point (a church or graveyard) is difficulty 6. Crossing over in an old house or apartment building that has seen generations of occupants is difficulty 7. Crossing from a shopping mall is 8.

If your roll is successful, your demon becomes a hazy, insubstantial form, able to see and be seen by individuals on both sides of the barrier. She passes through objects without harm, and vice versa, though she can interact with one realm or the other in a given turn with a Willpower roll (difficulty 8). If the roll succeeds, the Slayer can speak to individuals, handle objects, attack or be attacked in the realm to which she has attuned herself, just as if she were solid. The effects of this evocation last for a number of turns equal to the character's Faith rating. Your character cannot take any other beings with her to this "middle ground" between realms.

Torment: When monstrous demons perform this evocation, it causes the energies of the spirit storm to leak into the physical realm around her, causing wild and unpredictable spirit manifestations and hauntings.

Reach Across the Barrier (4 Dots)

The Slayer can peer into and reach across into the spirit realm the same way a mortal retrieves something from a cupboard, placing or retrieving items between the realms at will. During the War of Wrath, this evocation was used extensively to place powerful weapons or other items beyond the reach of the Slayers' enemies. Many still remain there to this day, waiting to be found.

System: Spend one Faith point and roll Dexterity + Awareness. The difficulty is determined by the relative strength of the barrier in the area where the Slayer performs the evocation. Doing so at a weak point (a church or graveyard) is difficulty 6. Crossing over in an old house or apartment building that has seen generations of occupants is difficulty 7. Crossing from a shopping mall is 8.

If your roll is successful, your character can see into and "reach" across the barrier between realms --- her hand and arm literally vanishes from mortal eyes until she withdraws it again. She can place or remove any item that can be easily lifted with one or two hands. Mortals or demons cannot be forced across the barrier using this evocation. Items can be hidden away from the spirit world, however, placing them in the material world, out of reach from dead-land inhabitants. (But, of course, that might mean that real-world being could find the items.)

Torment: Monstrous demons who perform this evocation risk allowing traces of the spirit storm to leak through into the physical world, causing surreal and terrifying side effects. if the evocation succeeds, the Storyteller makes a Willpower roll with the difficulty equal to your Slayer's Torment. If the roll fails, the winds of the storm seep through, subjecting all mortals in the immediate area to Willpower roll (difficulty 8). If their roll fails, they flee in terror. If their rolls botch, they also suffer a temporary derangement.

Pierce the Barrier (5 Dots)

This evocation enables the Slayer to create a temporary doorway between the living and the dead realms, allowing other demons to cross into the shadow lands if the portal's creator wishes.

System: Spend one Faith point and roll Stamina + Awareness. The difficulty is determined by the relative strength of the barrier in the area where the Slayer performs the evocation. Doing so at a weak point (a church or graveyard) is difficulty 6. Crossing over in an old house or apartment building that has seen generations of occupants is difficulty 7. Crossing from a shopping mall is 8.

if your roll succeeds, your Slayer creates a portal that other demons may bodily pass through into the shadow realm, allowing them to interact with the spirits of the dead and to travel through the dead lands. As many other demons may enter as you get successes on your roll. Living mortals and thralls cannot pass. Non-Slayers who make the transition are at a considerable disadvantage compared to the Halaku, being more susceptible to the ravages of the maelstrom than those of the Seventh House. Furthermore, they cannot travel as quickly across the shadow realm as the Slayers can. They cover distances only as fast as they could in the physical realm. The dice pools for all actions taken by uninitiated demons are halved (rounded up), and these fallen lose one temporary Willpower point each day that they remain in the spirit realm. When theyr Willpower is exhausted, the demons become catatonic. Their bodies lose one point of Stamina each day thereafter. When a demon's Stamina is exhausted, her mortal body dies and her spirit is drawn back into the Abyss. The doorway created by this evocation lasts for only a single turn, and it is one-way. Spirits from beyond cannot normally use it to enter the living world.

Torment: Monstrous demons who perform this evocation cause the effects of the spirit storm to rage in the physical world in the immediate vicinity of the doorway, drawing spirits and causing horrifying manifestations to linger for a number of days equal to your character's Torment.

Ereshkigal, The Visage of the Realms

Angels of the Second World manifest as shadowy figures whose features are hidden in perpetual darkness. The air itself seems to wrap about them like a robe of night, conjuring the image of the cowled ferryman of human myth. Their hands are white and bony, like a skeleton's, and they move without effort or sound.

The Visage of the Realms confers the following abilities.

  • Dead Reckoning: The character always knows where she is in relation to known landmarks, no matter how far away those landmarks may be. Unless affected spatially distorting evocations such as Warp path, she can never lose her sense of direction.
  • Pass without Trace: The difficulties of the character's Stealth rolls decrease by two, and her passage does not disturb the surrounding environment in any way --- she leaves no footprints and disturbs no foliage.
  • Increased Awareness: The fallen is especially attuned to the fabric of reality, lowering the difficulties of all Awareness rolls by two.
  • Conjure from Nothing: The character is capable of supernatural sleight of hand, seeming to conjure items out of thin air only to make them vanish again with a flick of the wrist. She can draw an item from a pocket or conceal an item without detection on a successful Dexterity + Athletics roll (difficulty 6).

Torment: Angels of the Realms who surrender themselves to their Torment are walking portals to the land of the dead, exuding an aura of loss and despair that chills mortal hearts. Their voices are bleak and sepulchral, an their eyeless stare gives the boldest heart pause.

The Visage of the Realms confers the following high-Torment abilities.

  • Cloak of Shadows: The demon is shrouded in a pall of darkness, making her features difficult to see in the best of light, and rendering her near-invisible at night. The difficulties of all Stealth rolls are lowered by two whenever the demon stands in a pool of shadow or moves in darkness. If the character is attacked, the rules for Blind Fighting apply to the attacker.
  • Relentless: The demon can walk or run without need to rest, able to cover superhuman distances without pause. As long as she stays in motion, she is unaffected by fatigue or hunger.
  • Voice of the Grave: The difficulties of all Intimidation rolls decrease by two.
  • Dread Gaze: Individuals (mortal or demon) who meet the demon's gaze and who fail a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) must forfeit their actions for that turn.

Saberes XVI: Saber de los espíritus

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Speak with the Dead (1 Dot)

This evocation allows the Slayer to communicate with spirits roaming the physical or spirit world. Spirits addressed in this way are compelled to respond, and they must answer the demon's questions to the best of their ability.

System: Roll manipulation + Awareness. The spirit can attempt to avoid the evocation's compulsion with a resisted Willpower roll (difficulty 9). If the evocation is successful, the spirt must answer the Slayer's questions truthfully. The Slayer can affect any spirit within reach of her voice, and the effects of the evocation persist for a number of turns equal to the character's Faith score.

Torment: Monstrous demons can perform this evocation as well, but the spirits they contact become warped by the demon's Torment and grow inimical to living beings for days afterward. Spirits affected by this evocation become restless and hostile to the living for a number of days equal to the demon's Torment score if a Willpower roll (difficulty 9) fails.

Summon the Dead (2 Dots)

Slayers can use this evocation to summon spirits to their presence, their influence reaching across entire city blocks. Spirits summoned in this fashion must come to the demon whether they wish to or not, and they remain until dismissed.

System: Roll Manipulation + Leadership. The Slayer can summon one spirit per success rolled, if any are present in the area. The evocation affects 10 square yards times the character's Faith score, and the spirits within the affected area are drawn to the Slayer's presence immediately. They remain until the effects of the evocation expire or the demon dismisses them. The effects of this evocation last for the duration of the scene. At the Storyteller's discretion, a particularly potent or willful spirit could try to break the demon's control with a resisted Willpower roll (difficulty equal to the demon's Faith score) made against your Manipulation + Leadership successes

Torment: Monstrous demons can summon spirits, but the effects of their Torment cause the beings to become inherently hostile to the living for a number of days equal to the character's Torment score if a Willpower roll (difficulty 9) is failed.

Command the Dead (3 Dots)

A Slayer may command a spirit of the dead to do her bidding, forcing the ghost to perform any actions that the demon desires if her will proves greater than its.

System: Roll Manipulation + Leadership. The Slayer may command any single spirit that can hear her voice. The spirit may attempt to counteract the effect with a resisted Willpower roll (difficulty 8). If the spirit's roll fails, it must obey the demon's commands to the best of its ability. The effects of this evocation last for a number of turns equal to the character's Faith score.

Torment: Monstrous demons can command spirits as well, but they warp any beings by the force of their Torment, causing ghosts to become maddened, violent entities that lash out at the living at the first opportunity. Once the evocation's effects expire, the Storyteller makes a Willpower roll (difficulty 8) for an affected spirit. The roll requires a number of successes equal to or greater than the number of turns that the ghost spent under the demon's control. If the roll fails, the spirit becomes malevolent and hostile toward the living for a number of days equal to the demon's Torment score. if the roll botches, the change is permanent.

Anchor the Soul (4 Dots)

This powerful evocation allows a Slayer to anchor a disinterred mortal soul (or a demon's spirit) to a physical object, creating a haunted artifact that traps the spirit in the physical world. In the darker days of the War of Wrath, Slayers used this evocation to bind the souls of mortals and angels to fuel powerful weapons and tolls crafted by the Annunaki.

System: Spend on Faith point and roll Stamina + Awareness. The difficulty is determined by the nature of the object being used as an anchor. Binding a soul to something that was close to the person in life (difficulty 6) is the most effective kind of anchor, while foreign objects prove more challenging depending on their composition. Crystal, gems or precious metals are useful (difficulty 7), while natural objects such as wood, glass or bone are less so (difficulty 8). Synthetic objects such as plastic or high-tech items such as computers are challenging to use (difficulty 9). Your character must be within a number of yards of the spirit to equal to his [your character's] Faith rating in order to affect it, and he must hold the intended anchor. The spirit can resist imprisonment with a resisted Willpower roll (difficulty 8). If you get more successes, the spirit is trapped within the anchor and cannot interact with the outside world unless the object has been properly attuned. Demons bound to an attuned item can still access their inherent powers (including their lore paths), provided they have Faith available. (Any existing pacts with mortal thralls remain in effect). This evocation persists for a number of days equal to your character's Faith score, or it can be made permanent by expending a temporary Willpower point. If an anchor is ever destroyed, the spirit is freed immediately. Freed mortal souls disappear forever or become ghosts haunting a locale, at the Storyteller's discretion. Freed demons must resit the pull of the Abyss and attempt to locate another host body or physical anchor.

Torment: Monstrous demons bind spirits with a shroud of suffocating darkness, imposing the slightest taste of the agony suffered in the Abyss. These trapped souls are so frenzied by their hardship that their despair leaks into the physical realm, surrounding their anchors with an aura of ill fortune. Individuals touching or carrying such a spirit anchor botch their actions on a roll of 1 or 2.

Restore the Dead (5 Dots)

This evocation allows a Slayer to anchor a spirit into any soulless physical body. This effort returns the ghost to the land of the living, at least for a short time.

System: Spend one Faith point and roll Stamina + Awareness. The Slayer must have the soul she wishes to restore in her immediate vicinity and be able to touch the body she wants it to possess. The body in question must have died only recently (i.e., within the last 48 hours). If successful, the soul is anchored to the body, healing any injuries the body may have had and returning the spirit to the land of the living. The new person has the same Physical Attributes that the body had in its former life, and the Mental and Social Attributes and Abilities of the new soul. The effects of this evocation last for a number of days equal to your character's Faith score, or it can be made permanent by expending one point of permanent Willpower.

Demon spirits without hosts can be placed into bodies through this evocation.

Torment: Monstrous demons who perform this evocation invariably taint the spirit with their own Torment, leaving the soul twisted by hate and pain. Once the soul has been restored, the Storyteller makes a Willpower roll for it with a difficulty equal to your character's Torment. If the roll is successful, the restored person suffers a temporary derangement. If the roll fails, the derangement is permanent. If the roll botches, the restored person becomes a frenzied monster, attacking the living until it is destroyed.

If a disembodied demon spirit is put into a body with the high-Torment version of this evocation, a Willpower roll is made for it, too. If the roll is successful, the possessing demon has a Torment score that's one point less than your character's. If the Willpower roll fails, the possessing demon's Torment score equals your character's. And, if the Willpower roll botches, the possessing demon's Torment score exceeds your character's by one point.

Nergal, The Visage of the Spirit

The angels of the spirit world appear as pale, serene figures reminiscent of the images of human saints, beautiful, silent and remote. Like others of their House, the Nergal move without noise or effort, seeming to glide along the ground as they move. Only thier eyes, colored in shifting patterns of gray and black, hint at the bleak world beyond the mortal realm.

The Visage of the Spirit confers the following abilities.

  • Ghost Sight: The angel can see the spirits of the dead that linger in the mortal realm, whether the ghosts wish to reveal themselves or not, with a successful Perception roll (difficulty 6).
  • Enhanced Social Traits: The angel's beatific appearance provides the following bonus traits: +2 Charisma, +1 Manipulation, +1 Appearance.
  • Pass without Trace: The difficulties of the character's Stealth rolls decrease by two, and her passage does not disturb the surrounding environment in any way --- she leaves no footprints and disturbs no foliage.
  • Wings: A pair of raven's wings extends from the character's shoulders. At full extension, each wing is a third gain as long as the character is tall. The character can glide up to three times her running speed per turn.

Torment: Monstrous Nergal are stained with the blood of the dead, their alabaster skin streaked with lines of crimson and black. Their eyes are orbs of clotted blood, and when they speak, their voices howl like the spirits of the damned.

The Visage of the Spirit confers the following high-Torment abilities.

  • Cloak of Shadows: The demon is shrouded in a pall of darkness, making her features difficult to see in the best of light, and rendering her near-invisible at night. The difficulties of all Stealth rolls are lowered by two whenever the demon stands in a pool of shadow or moves in darkness. If the character is attacked, the rules for Blind Fighting apply to the attacker.
  • Howl of the Damned: The difficulties of all Intimidation rolls decrease by two.
  • Aura of Dread: The demon is surrounded by an aura of fear that saps the will of her foes. Targets within a number of yards equal to the character's Faith lose their normal initiative unless a successful Willpower roll is made against a difficulty equal to the demon's Torment. Affected individuals act last within a given turn. The Willpower roll is made every turn in which a person or another demon is in the Nergal's Apocalyptic presence. Normal initiative resumes for a victim as soon as a successful Willpower roll is made.
  • Damage Resistance: The demon is capable of shrugging off damage that would cripple a normal human. She may ignore any wound penalties for the duration of the scene. Penalties for injures incurred while in apocalyptic form apply again once human form is resumed.

Saberes XV: Saber de la muerte

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Read Fate (1 Dot)
This evocation allows the demon to look into the eyes of a dead body and see the manner in which he or she died.
System: Roll Perception + Awareness. The number of successes achieved determines the amount of detail your character can determine about the mortal's fate. One success provides a picture of the moment of death. Each additional success goes further back in time, from minutes at two successes, hours at three and days at four. It also provides a broader context for the circumstances behind the person's passing.
Torment: Monstrous demons are able to discern a subject's fate only if that person died as a result of violence, whether accidental or intentional.

Decay (2 Dots)
One of the Reaper's primary powers, this evocation accelerates the process of decay, reducing living and non-living matter to its component particles.
System: Your Slayer must be able to touch his intended target to perform this evocation. Roll Stamina + Medicine. Each success inflicts on health level of aggravated damage (lethal damage to a mortal). If performed on a dead body, each success removes a point from the body's Stamina. When all the dots have been eliminated, the body is reduced to dust. The process works in a similar fashion on inanimate objects, but the difficulty varies depending on an object's composition. Decaying an article of wood or cloth, for example, is difficulty 7, while decaying a piece of plastic is difficulty 8. Decaying metal is difficulty 9, and stone is 10. Each success decays one cubic foot of material.
Torment: Monstrous demons affect people and objects in an area as opposed to single targets. Everything within a radius of yards equal to the character's Faith score is affected.

Vision of Mortality (3 Dots)
This evocation saw frequent use in the War of Wrath, permitting Slayers to fill the minds of their foes with visions of impending death. Even battle-hardened angels found their mettle sorely tested by these bone-chilling sights, throwing down their arms and fleeing before the Halaku's remorseless advance.
System: Roll Manipulation + Intuition. The target resists the evocation with a Willpower roll, using the Slayer's Faith as the difficulty. If you succeed, the target abandons her action and flees from your demon's presence. If the target's Willpower roll botches, he flees and suffers a temporary derangement. This evocation can target individuals up to a number of yards away equal to your character's Faith rating. A target who wins the resisted roll cannot be subjected to this evocation again for the remainder of the scene.
Torment: Monstrous demons affect every living being around them as opposed to a specific target. The demon affects targets within a number of yards equal to their Faith score, and resisted Willpower rolls are made for each potential victim.

Extinguish Life (4 Dots)
The Reaper's touch means death. By placing a hand on a living body and exerting her will, a demon can sever a victim's soul from his body, killing him instantly. This capability can be used on the fallen as well, but rather than cause instant death, the evocation produces an icy chill that saps the vitality from a demon's body.
System: The Slayer must be able to physically touch her intended target to perform this evocation. Spend one Faith point and roll Strength + Awareness. Compare your successes to the target's Stamina. If your successes exceed the target's Stamina, he is killed instantly. If your successes are less than the target's Stamina, each one inflicts a level of bashing damage as the Slayer's icy touch saps the strength from the mortal's body. If this evocation is employed against another demon and the successes exceed the target's Stamina, each success inflicts a level of aggravated damage. If the successes are less than the demon's Stamina, apply them as bashing damage.
Torment: Monstrous demons do not need to touch their victims to employ this evocation. Their icy hatred radiates from them in all directions, stilling the hearts of living beings. The high-Torment version of this evocation affects every living being within a number of yards equal to your character's Faith score.

Unlife (5 Dots)
This powerful evocation allows a living body to function without the presence of a soul or vital spirit, creating an unliving creature completely under the Slayer's control.
System: Spend one Faith point and roll Stamina + Medicine. A walking-dead creature has only one point in each of its Physical Attributes upon creation, though each extra success can be used to add additional points in Physical Attributes, at your discretion. These creatures do not suffer wound penalties in combat, using their full dice pools at all times. They must suffer no less than 10 health levels of damage before being destroyed. Undead minions are mindless automatons, acting solely according to your demon's will. Each time your character wants one of her minions to perform an action, make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7). If your character controls more than one creature at a time, you must divide your Willpower pool among them per turn. A failed roll causes a zombie to continue the last action it was commanded to perform.
Alternatively, a Slayer can program a minion to perform a rote set of instruction; one action per point of Wits that your character has, all by spending a temporary Willpower point. Since these instructions are transmitted mentally, it's possible to create a detailed set of commands, including complicated travel routes and detailed physical descriptions. Once programmed, however, a minion cannot be given further commands. If the demon uses her Willpower to command the minion to perform an action outside the realm of its instructions, its programming is lost.
Slayers can raise and control a number of minions equal to their Faith at one time. The bodies must be within Faith in yards to be affected. The effects of the evocation last for the duration of the scene. If your character wishes, the effects can be made permanent by the expenditure of a temporary Willpower point per body. A permanent minion remains until destroyed, and it cannot be raised again thereafter.
Disembodied fallen may possess animated corpses with the Slayer's permission, or they can try to wrest control of programmed corpses from the demon with a resisted Willpower roll. Unless transformed by use of other lore, the demon's host remains a dead body with all due appearances, smell and physical limitations.
Torment: Monstrous demons cannot prevent their Torment from infusing creations with an unnatural craving for violence, raising flesh-eating monsters that must be held in check constantly or they attack any living thing they can reach including the Slayer herself. If not programmed with a rote set of instructions, these creatures go into a violent frenzy unless their creator makes a successful Willpower roll (difficulty 8) each turn. This Willpower roll is in addition to any to impose commandments from action to action.

Namtar, The Visage of Death
These angels manifest as shadowy figures wreathed in tendrils of ghostly mist that shift and writhe from moment to moment, occasionally reflecting the angels' thoughts in strange symbolic forms. A pall of silence surrounds these figures, and their feet never seem to touch the ground. Their skin is as pale as alabaster, and their faces are constantly hidden in deep shadow.
The Visage of Death confers the following abilities.
  • Wings: A pair of raven's wings extends from the character's shoulders. At full extension, each wing is a third again as long as the character is tall. The character can glide up to three times her running speed per turn.
  • Improved Initiative: Add two to character's initiative.
  • Pass without Trace: The difficulties of the character's Stealth rolls decrease by two, and her passage does not disturb the surrounding environment in any way --- she leaves no footprints and disturbs no foliage.
  • Casts No Reflection: The demon's image does not appear in a mirror, nor can it be captured in a photograph or by a video camera.
Torment: Monstrous Namtar exude the cold aura of death, indiscriminately draining the life of every living thing around them. Flowers wilt in their passing, children grow glassy-eyed, and the old feel mortality grip their heart.
The Visage of Death confers the following high-Torment abilities.
  • Cloak of Shadows: The demon is shrouded in a pall of darkness, making her features difficult to see in the best of light, and rendering her near-invisible at night. The difficulties of all Stealth rolls are lowered by two whenever the demon stands in a pool of shadow or moves in darkness. If the character is attacked, the rules for Blind Fighting apply to the attacker.
  • Deathgrip: The demon's spirit can cling to life past the point of human endurance. If the demon's host body suffers eight levels of lethal or aggravated damage, she can still hold onto life with a successful Willpower roll. If successful, the character falls into a coma until the following dawn, at which point she rises with one health level and one less temporary Faith.
  • Aura of Entropy: Plants wilt in the demon's presence, and living beings are suffused with an icy chill that saps their strength. Mortals and other demons within a number of yards equal to the demon's Faith lose one die from their dice pools unless a successful Stamina roll (difficulty 6) is made. The effects of this capability persist for the duration of the scene.
  • Damage Resistance: The demon is capable of shrugging off damage that would cripple a normal human. She may ignore any wound penalties for the duration of the scene. Penalties for injures incurred while in apocalyptic form apply again once human form is resumed.

Saberes XIV: Saber de la transfiguración

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Mimic (1 Dot)

This evocation allows the Defiler to assume the exact mannerisms and vocal patterns of a subject, allowing her to disguise herself enough to fool a distant observer.

System: This evocation requires the Defiler to have spent at least an hour in close company with the individual she seeks to mimic. Roll Manipulation + Performance in a resisted roll against another person's Perception + Alertness. If you get more successes, the target believes that the Defiler is the person she attempts to mimic. Encountering someone who has never met the mimicked subject succeeds automatically. The effects of this evocation last for a number of turns equal to the character's Faith score. There is no illusion at work here --- your character's body actually changes --- so other demons may be fooled with this power.

Torment: Monstrous demons can mimic the voice and mannerisms of others, but their Torment invariably bleeds through the disguise and unsettles any witnesses, inspiring feelings of discomfort and paranoia. Roll Willpower for someone who encounters the disguised demon, with a difficulty equal to the Defiler's Torment. If the roll fails, the mortal is so unsettled by the Defiler's presence the she flees the demon's presence.

Alter Appearance (2 Dots)

The Defiler can use this evocation to alter cosmetic features of herself or others. She can change eye color, hair color, skin color and remove scars.

System: Roll Charisma + Subterfuge. The Defiler can alter one cosmetic feature per success rolled. The alteration remain for a number of turns equal to the Defiler's Faith score, or they can be made permanent by the expenditure of one Willpower point. Your character must touch a subject if another being is changed. There is no illusion at work here --- your character's body or that of another actually changes --- so other demons may be fooled with this power.

Torment: Monstrous demons can alter the features of themselves or others almost, but unless they maintain strict control, their Torment can cause disturbing deformities. When your character performs this evocation successfully, make a Willpower roll with a difficulty equal to his Torment. If the roll fails, he or his subject suffers a subtle but unsettling deformity. The difficulties of all Social rolls increase by two due to this deformity.

Alter Shape (3 Dots)

The Defiler can alter his own physical shape and dimensions, increasing or decreasing height, weight, shoulder width and girth.

System: Roll Charisma + Subterfuge. The Defiler can alter one physical feature per success rolled. Alterations persist for a number of turns equal to the Defiler's Faith score, can be dismissed permanently or can be made permanent by the expenditure of one Willpower point. There is no illusion at work here --- your character's body actually changes --- so other demons may be fooled with this power.

Torment: Monstrous demons are capable of performing the same evocation, but the potential exists for deformities to warp their appearance. When your character performs this evocation successfully, roll Willpower against a difficulty equal to his Torment. If the roll fails, the Defiler suffers a crippling deformity and losing one point from a Physical Attribute for the duration of the evocation. You choose which Attribute is affected.

Doppelganger (4 Dots)

This evocation allows the Defiler to alter her appearance completely, based on the expectations of her victim. She assumes the form of the person that the victim expects or wants to see.

System: Spend one Faith point and roll Manipulation + Empathy. The roll is resisted by the target's Willpower (difficulty 8). If your roll succeeds, your character assumes the physical form, voice and mannerisms of a person whom the victim expects to see within the context of the scene. If you wish, your demon can dig deeper into the victim's memories and assume the form of a specific individual for whom that the victim has strong feelings, but doing so increases the difficulty of your roll to 8. If your character attempts to use this evocation on a group of individuals, assuming a form that all of them might expect to see in a given situation, the difficulty increases to 9. The effects of this evocation last for a number of turns equal to your character's Faith score, unless terminated prematurely. There is no illusion at work here --- your character's body actually changes --- so other demons may be fooled with this power.

Torment: When monstrous Defilers perform this evocation, the result is a dark, sinister version of the victim's expectations. The difficulties of all Social rolls to manipulate the subject decrease by two as any inappropriate feelings or urges that the onlooker has toward the demon may be indulged.

Shapechange (5 Dots)

This evocation gives the Defiler complete mastery over the physical features of herself or others. She can transform herself or someone else into the apex of human beauty. She can also condemn those who displease her to a nightmare of twisted flesh.

System: Spend one Faith point and roll Intelligence + Medicine. Your character must touch a subject. A resisted Willpower roll (difficulty 8) is made for a target who refuses the change. If your roll succeeds, your character can alter her (or another's) physical appearance to anything she wishes. If she wants to alter another person's appearance to meet their own specific desires (as opposed to a willing subject's), the difficulty increases to 7. The Appearance Attribute is increased or decreased by one per success achieved in your roll, within the limits of 5 and zero for a mortal. Your character's or a subject's other Attributes and Abilities remain the same, no matter what shape is assumed. The effects of this evocation last for a number of turns equal to your Defiler's Faith score, or they can be made permanent by expending one temporary Willpower point. There is no illusion at work here --- the body actually changes --- so other demons may be fooled with this power.

Torment: Monstrous demons must exercise careful control when performing this evocation, or they risk creating a reflection of their Torment instead. If the evocation is performed successfully, make a Willpower roll with the difficulty equal to your character's Torment. If the roll fails, the subject assumes the form of a hideous monster. Mortals who witness this nightmarish figure flee in terror without a successful Willpower roll (difficulty 8). If a Willpower roll botches, the witness suffers a temporary derangement.

Mammetum, The Visage of Transfiguration

The angels of transfiguration reveal themselves as luminescent figures devoid of identifying feature or expression, haunting in their silence and deliberate grace. Their entire body is a mirror reflecting the moods and thoughts of those around them, shifting like quick-silver amid a riot of conflicting feelings and expressions.

The Visage of Transfiguration confers the following abilities.

  • Enhanced Empathy: The difficulties of all Empathy rolls decrease by two.
  • Casts No Reflection: The demon's image does not appear in a mirror, nor can it be captured in a photograph or by a video camera.
  • Pass Without Trace: The difficulties of all character's Stealth rolls decrease by two, and her passage does not disturb the surrounding environment in any way. She leaves no footprints and disturbs no foliage.
  • Improved Dexterity: Add two to the character's Dexterity.

Torment: Angels of transfiguration who are lost to their Torment lose their luminescence, reflecting their pain and hatred in a series of horrific visions of the Abyss. The creature is a walking panorama of tortured spirits clawing silently at the wall separating them from the physical world.

The Visage of Transfiguration confers the following high-Torment abilities.

  • Claws/Teeth: The character manifests claws and fangs that inflict Strength +2 aggravated damage.
  • Improved Initiative: Add two to the demon's initiative.
  • Venom: The demon's claws and teeth are coated with venom. If the Defiler inflicts at least one health level of damage (bashing, lethal or aggravated) in an unarmed attack, a Stamina roll (difficulty 7) is made for the victim every turn thereafter for a number of turns equal to the Defiler's Torment score. If a roll fails, the victim suffers one additional health level of lethal damage.
  • Extra Actions: Faith points can be spent to gain extra actions in a turn at the rate of one point per action. These actions occur in order of descending initiative, so if a Defiler with an initiative of 7 gains an extra action, she take her normal action at 7 and her extra action at 6. You must decide to purchase extra actions at the beginning of a turn before any other actions have been taken.

Saberes XIII: Saber de las tormentas

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Summon Water (1 Dot)

The demon can summon water from any nearby source, causing anything from a sudden concealing fog to a torrential flash flood.

System: Roll Stamina + Survival. The number of successes required depends on the amount of water the Defiler wishes to summon. If the demon wants to call up a thick fog (increasing the difficulty of all Perception rolls by two), one success is sufficient. If she wants to douse the area with a sudden shower, two successes is required. If she wants a torrent of water, three successes are necessary. A raging flood demands four successes or more. Individuals caught in such a torrent or flood suffer the effects of drowning unless a successful Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 8) roll is made. There has to be a water source of some kind within Faith in yards, no matter how small, for this evocation to work. The effects of this evocation continue for a number of turns equal to the character's Faith score.

Torment: The water that a monstrous demon summons is slimy and foul, spreading sickness and disease. Victims exposed to this polluted water risk developing deadly diseases that manifest within days or weeks. Mortals and demons exposed to this water for more than one turn risk becoming infected unless a Stamina roll is made, with the difficulty equal to the Defiler's Torment. Also use the Defiler's Torment to gauge the relative virulence of any diseases. A Torment score of 7 inflicts a minor disease that might lower the character's dice pools, while a Torment of 10 imposes a lethal (and possibly highly contagious) disease that inflicts lethal damage.

Water Form (2 Dots)

This evocation allows the Defiler to transform her physical body into water, either as a liquid or a mist.

System: Roll Stamina + Medicine. Once transformed, the character leaves her clothes and possessions behind. She can travel anywhere water or air can reach while in water or mist form, and she is immune to any damage. The Defiler can remain in this form for a number of turns equal to her Faith score.

Torment: The water form of a monstrous demon is polluted by its Torment, and contact with it causes chemical burns. For each turn that a victim is exposed to the Defiler's "body," she suffers one health level of lethal damage.

Manipulate Weather (3 Dots)

This evocation allows the Defiler to nudge existing weather patterns, pushing away storm fronts or drawing them to her with surprising speed, and alternating the local temperatures.

System: Roll Intelligence + Science. The number of successes achieved determines the severity of the weather pattern that the Defiler can manipulate. Affecting a minor rainstorm requires only one success, while affecting a thunderstorm requires two. Major storms require three successes to manipulate, and truly powerful phenomena such as tornadoes or hurricanes require four or more. Alternatively, the Defiler can raise or lower the temperature in her area by a degree per success rolled. This evocation affects an area with a radius in miles equal to the demon's Faith score. Note that all weather manipulated must be present. This power cannot spontaneously create new weather effects.

Torment: Monstrous demons increase the intensity of local weather patterns rather than alter their course, turning a spring shower into a raging tornado or a light snowfall into a blizzard.

Command the Storm (4 Dots)

A Defiler can use this evocation to create weather patterns at will, conjuring a storm out of thin air or banishing a hurricane with a wave of her hand.

System: Spend one Faith and roll Intelligence + Science. The difficulty is determined by the environment and the type of weather the Defiler wishes to create. Calling up a thunderstorm near the ocean is difficulty 6. Creating one in the middle of the Arizona desert is difficult 9. Banishing existing weather patterns is resolved with a difficulty of 7. The number of successes rolled determines the intensity of the weather pattern that the Defiler can create or calm. A rain shower or a light snowfall requires only one success, while a tornado or a massive hurricane requires four or more. This evocation affects an area with a radius in miles equal to the demon's Faith score. Once summoned, the weather effect runs its natural course unless affected by additional evocations.

Torment: Monstrous demons can command the weather with equal ease, but their effects are always inimical. Storms bring damaging wind, hail and lighting. Even creating clear skies can invoke extreme temperature changes or suffocating humidity.

Invoke the Storm (5 Dots)

The Defiler can surround herself with a raging storm at will, creating wind, water and lightning in an area as small as a room or as large as a city block. The heart of the storm is centered on the demon, and it moves as she moves. It causes her no harm, though.

System: Spend one Faith point and roll Stamina + Survival. The difficulty is determined by the environment the Defiler is in. Conjuring a storm outside, with rain clouds overhead, is difficulty 6. Conjuring a storm in the air-conditioned environment of an office is difficulty 9. The successes form a dice pool that you roll while your character directs the effect of the storm. If she wishes to use wind to knock someone down or blow open doors and windows, roll this dice pool in lieu of Strength. If she wants to fire lightning at a target, roll the pool at against a difficulty of 9. Each success generates one lightning bolt that strikes the target automatically and imposes a number of lethal damage dice equal to the Defiler's Torment score. The storm affects an area with a radius in yards equal to the character's Faith score and lasts for an equal number of turns unless banished.

Torment: Monstrous Defilers raise storms that lash out indiscriminately at any living being caught in the area, punishing them with fierce winds and lightning. Each turn, roll a single die (difficulty 9) for each person within the storm's radius. If a roll is successful, someone is struck with a bolt of lightning. Furthermore, the buffeting winds increase the difficulties of all subjects' actions by two.

Adad, The Visage of Storms

The angels of storms are tall, statuesque figures, their skins glistening like opal and their dark hair tinged with the deep green of the ocean depths. Blue flickers of ball lightning writhe and dance across their bodies, forming an angry nimbus surrounding their head and shoulders when their fury is aroused.

The Visage of Storms confers the following abilities.

  • Weather Sense: The character can always intuitively sense changes in the weather up to a distance of 10 miles times her Faith score.
  • Immune to Electricity: The character is immune to damage inflicted by electrocution.
  • Improved Initiative: Add two to the character's initiative.
  • Shocking Touch: The character's touch inflicts a number of bashing levels of damage equal to her Faith score. This special capability may be used only once per scene.

Torment: Angels of the storm who lose themselves to their demonic nature develop a rough, gray hide and triple rows of razor-edged teeth. Their eyes are featureless black orbs, devoid of warmth or compassion.

The Visage of Storms confers the following high-Torment abilities.

  • Teeth: The character manifests fangs that inflict Strength +2 aggravated damage.
  • Spines: A long ruff of spines runs down the demon's back and along the backs of her arms. She inflicts an additional health level of aggravated damage with every successful attack in unarmed combat.
  • Shark Hide: The demon's shark-like skin acts as armor, providing four additional dice to soak bashing, lethal and aggravated damage.
  • Ink Cloud: The demon can expel a cloud of indigo ink that hangs in the air and blinds her foes. Individuals within a number of feet equal to the demon's Faith score are blinded for a number of turns equal to the demon's Torment, unless a successful Stamina roll is made. The cloud of ink lingers for a number of turns equal to the demon's Torment. Victims are subject to blind fighting rules.

Saberes XII: Saber de la añoranza

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Read Emotion (1 Dot)

This evocation allows the Defiler to draw a person's deep-seated emotions to the surface, allowing a demon to gain greater insight into the subject's thoughts and desires by studying her body language and expressions. The victim is completely unaware that she is being "studied" in this way. To her, it is as if the Defiler is reading her mind.

System: This evocation works on only one mortal at a time. Roll Perception + Empathy. Each success is a bonus die added to all Social rolls directed at the mortal for the duration of the scene, or until the demon switches her attention to a new victim.

Torment: Monstrous demons are more adept at drawing out a victim's dark nature and fueling it in the process. The subject comes away form an exchange entertaining thoughts she hadn't dare contemplate before. A resisted Willpower roll is made for mortals targeted by the high-Torment effect of this evocation, with the difficulty equal to the Defiler's Torment score. If the roll fails, the mortal is driven to act on her darkest desires (making her boss pay for all the years of verbal abuse, for example, or entertaining the affair with a co-worker she's resisted for so long). The effects of this evocation last a number of days equal to the Defiler's Faith score.

Empathetic Response (2 Dots)

This evocation permits the demon to read a subject's emotions and desires and react to them without thinking, molding her behavior to conform perfectly to the subject's expectations. The subject thinks the demon is everything she expected or dreamed of, banishing any suspicion, hesitation or fear.

System: Roll Manipulation + Empathy. If your total successes equal or exceed a mortal's Wits score, the mortal reacts to your character with complete trust, obeying any reasonable request your character makes. This evocation can be directed at only a single individual at a time. The effects last for the duration of the scene or until your demon turns his attention to a new victim.

Torment: Monstrous demons use this evocation to inspire fear instead of affection. They mold their behavior to speak to a victim's worst fears, becoming the type of person that the mortal dreads most. If your successes equal or exceed the target's Wits, the mortal is completely intimidated by your Defiler. She takes no action against your character, and she leaves the area if at all possible. Any Intimidation rolls directed at the target are resolved with a difficulty of 4.

Manipulate Senses (3 Dots)

With a touch, a Defiler can manipulate a person's nerves, enhancing perceptions and heightening sensation. The effect can be as broad or as subtle as the demon wishes, and the effects are often addictive unless the victim possesses a will of iron.

System: The Defiler must be able to touch her intended target to use this evocation. Roll Intelligence + Intuition. Each success adds one bonus die to the target's Perception rolls, but by the same token, all wound penalties the target suffers are similarly increased. Demons can resist the effects of this evocation if they wish by making a resisted Willpower roll (difficulty 7). The effects of this evocation last for a number of turns equal to the Defiler's Faith score. After the effects of the evocation wear off, a Willpower roll must be made for the target. If it fails, take the number of bonus dice the evocation generated and apply them as a penalty to all the mortal's Perception rolls for the remainder of the scene. If the roll botches, this penalty is permanent. In the case of a botch, the victim is addicted to the thrill of the evocation and can regain full use of her senses only by receiving the power's effects again.

Torment: Monstrous demons use this evocation to inflict searing agony or to warp the awareness of their victims. Subtract the total number of successes achieved from the victim's Perception dice pools for a number of turns equal to the Defiler's Faith score.

Obsession (4 Dots)

This evocation allows a demon to take one of a subject's interests or desires and heighten its allure to the point that the victim can think of nothing else. This obsession can be about a person, an idea or a project. During the War of Wrath, many Defilers used their wiles to become objects of desire to mortals, and then used this evocation to create legions of fanatically loyal followers.

System: To enact this evocation, the demon must first know one of her victim's long-held interests or desires and be within a number of yards of the subject equal to her Faith rating. Spend one Faith point and roll Manipulation + Empathy. The mortal can attempt to resist the evocation's effects with a Willpower roll (difficulty 8). If your roll succeeds, the mortal's desire becomes a source of obsession. He knows no peace unless he takes reasonable steps make his desire a reality. A willpower roll (difficulty 7) is made for him to undertake any action that strays from his obsession, and he is not able to eat or sleep until his desire is fulfilled. This evocation lasts for a number of days equal to the Defiler's Faith score, or until the mortal succeeds in sating his obsession, whichever comes first.

Torment: Monstrous demons use this evocation to make a victim psychotically obsessive, removing all inhibitions and exaggerating the victim's need to the point of physical pain. The victim does anything within his power to fulfill his desire, no matter how destructive or dangerous it is. Failing to do so reduces all dice pools by one until the subject can make a constructive effort toward his goal.

Inspire (5 Dots)

This potent evocation literally expands a subject's consciousness, permitting him to achieve heights of insight and awareness that border on the inhuman. The subject is able to draw upon the fullness of his mental potential, but when the power fades, the return to reality can be a blow for the person's sense of self-worth.

System: Spend one Faith point and roll Intelligence + Medicine. Each success allows you to add a point to a mortal's Mental or Social Traits, up to a five-point maximum. These bonus points persist for a number of days equal to the Defiler's Faith score. When the effects of the evocation wears off, however, the mortal loses one point of Willpower permanently unless a successful Willpower roll is made (difficulty 7).

Torment: Monstrous demons use this evocation in a similar fashion, but they push the victim over the edge from genius to madness, creating talented but dangerous lunatics. The high-Torment effect of this evocation provides bonus points to Mental or Social Traits and causes a temporary derangement. If the subsequent Willpower fails, the mortal loses a Willpower point permanently and the derangement becomes permanent.

Ishhara, The Visage of Longing

The angels of inspiration are visions of beauty, compared to whom even the radiant angels of the Namaru pale. Their golden hair and perfectly sculpted features are the romantic ideal spoken of in mortal poetry and prose, and their honeyed voices melt even the hardest hearts.

The Visage of Longing confers the following abilities.

  • Enhanced Social Traits: The character's physical appearance, poise and grace leave humans in stupefied awe. The demon gains the following bonus traits: +2 Charisma, +1 Manipulation, +2 Appearance.
  • Lyrical Voice: The difficulties of all leadership or Subterfuge rolls decrease by two.
  • Enhanced Senses: The character's five senses are heightened to superhuman levels, lowering the difficulty of her Perception rolls by two.
  • Enhanced Intuition: The character's uncanny insight lowers the difficulties of all Intuition rolls by two.

Torment: Monstrous Ishhara retain all of their dazzling beauty. If anything, their allureonly deepens with the hint of shadowed malice that darkens their eyes and deepens their voices. What was once a source of inspiration is now a siren song that lures mortals to ruin.

The Visage of Longing confers the following high-Torment abilities.

  • Claws: The character manifests claws that inflict Strength +2 aggravated damage.
  • Venom: The claws and saliva of the Ishhara are poisonous. Targets exposed to the venom (either by a claw mark or a simple kiss) are subject to a dice pool of bashing damage equal to the demon's Torment. This damage can be soaked
  • Extra Limbs: The demon grows a second set of arms or a set of tentacles, at the player's discretion. Extra limbs allow a character to parry or block close-combat attacks without sacrificing her own attack, or make up to two additional attacks of her own per turn (which are considered multiple actions).
  • Casts No Reflection: The demon's image does not appear in a mirrow, nor can it be captured in a photograph or by a video camera.