miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2008

Último post del año

El otro día me recordaron algo.
Este blog es nuevo y no trató el tema en su momento, pero a diferencia de modas pasajeras, si me gustaría mirar atrás (sin irnos del 2008) y que la última entrada de este año sea para recordar algo que sucedió este año al que le quedan horas (y 1 segundo de más).
Falleció Gygax el 4 de marzo.

Leer más... A mi forma de entender, todos moriremos, pero algunos dejan un legado, no emotivo, eso es otro tema, si no que afecta al mundo. En ese aspecto, Gygax ha dejado un legado, al margen de emotividad ha dejado algo al hobbie, YA HA ALCANZADO una meta, es parte de la historia. Si existe un padre del rol, es Gary.

Objetivamente, quizás "ya no aportaba nada" (es mas, renegaba de la nueva tendencia dungeon) en el buen sentido. Si aceptamos a Gary como padre del rol, estamos aceptando implicitamente que este blog existe derivado de su obra, que yo soy quien soy por que un día me regalaron su juego (quizás, el ragalo que más haya cambiado mi vida), que miles de personas se han conocido, y se han hecho amigos, lanzando d20 por derivados de su obra.

Yo empecé con la caja roja, y si eso ha hecho que yo juegue, y que conmigo juegue otra gente, x vidas han sido afectadas por obra residual derivada de gygax. Quien sabe, quizás cada articulo mio se deba a que me regalaron obra derivada de gygax, si no, igual ahora era chuntero, quien sabe, mundos alternativos..... Gygax ha influido, es un hecho.

Cuando le rebajaron en TSR y le mandaron a la división de california a hacer "dibujitos" y parió la mitica serie, eso es infancia indirecta de miles de niños, eso es gygax, gygax es historia

¡Ojalá yo pudiera vivir con/del hobbie toda una vida!

Quizás Gary no tenga más mérito que el master que nos dirige las partidas cada semana, mes tras mes, año tras año, pero bien vale tener en cuenta el origen de las cosas, para saber donde estamos, porqué, y quienes fueron los que un buen día lo comenzaron todo, y afectaron a lo que para algunos es una parte tan importante de nuestra vida.

Gracias por crear mi modo de vida.

Eso me recuerda una vez en la que vi a unos niños hablando sobre si era mejor la radio o la televisión y le pregunté a uno de ellos por qué prefería la radio. Y me respondió: "porque las imágenes de la radio son mucho mejores".- Gary Gygax

martes, 23 de diciembre de 2008

El Rincón del Demonio os desea... ¿felices fiestas?









Soziedad Alkoholika - Feliz Falsedad

domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2008


"Mira lo que hace la cerda de tu hija!! Puta!! Dejate follar por Dios!!!"
Satán, El Exorcista

Esto es una creación propia para Demonio.
Demonio trae en su basico unas reglas elementales para exorcismos, y luego, en el saviors & destroyers, trae otras que dice que son una ampliación (una ampliación? mas bien son reglas diferentes...ampliar es cuando algo es igual...y hay mas...esto es una regla diferente) y que puedes usar la que mejor te parezca

Esta invención mia toma basicamente esta regla del saviors & destroyers, sin olvidarse de la regla del basico.

Leer más... EXORCISMOS

Para realizar un exorcismo, el demonio debe esta presente, luego, impedido, ya que de lo contrario nada le impediría huir, o evitar que el exorcismo se realizase.

Para esto puede utilizarse una plegaria de atadura (aunque el demonio seguirá pudiendo usar sus saberes), o cualquier otro medio.

Partiendo de esta situación (el demonio sojuzgado) el exorcismo (que durará horas) puede comenzar.

Varios exorcistas pueden combinar su esfuerzos, uniendo los exitos de sus tiradas contra los del demonio, pero si obtuviesen un fracaso, todos ellos perderían un punto de FV. Esto solo se aplica cuando varios exorcistas colaboran en el exorcismo, no cuando, p.ej, uno realiza una plegaria de atadura, y otro realiza el exorcismo propiamente dicho a efectos de reglas.

El exorcista comienza por dirigirse a la persona poseida, intentando contactar con ella. Si bien la naturaleza de la posesión hace imposible esto, los exorcistas cuentan con ello. Simplemente pretenden, con su conocimiento del oficio, valorar hacia donde orientar sus plegarias , cuales usar, hacerse una idea de la personalidad del demonio...

Todo exorcista sabe que muchas veces el poseído morirá, incluso cuando expulsen al demonio, pero saben que es posible rescatar el alma poseída.

Percepción+Religión a dificultad [fv+2] 2 tiradas máximo

Tras el exorcista haber llegado a sus conclusiones, empieza propiamente el exorcismo.

El exorcismo se trata de un duelo de voluntades, El duelo va desgastando a los implicados, hasta que una de las dos partes es vencida.

Si el demonio es vencido, es desterrado del cuerpo y no puede volver a entrar
Si la tirada anterior tuvo éxito, además, el alma humana se ha salvado
Si no lo tuvo, el demonio es igualmente exorcizado, pero el alma se ha perdido y el cuerpo muere

Cada hora se hace una tirada de FV a 8 (6 el exorcista si conoce el Nombre Verdadero del demonio). No importan los exitos solo la parte vencedora en cada tirada, que va desgastando en 1 punto la voluntad y el tesón de la parte contraria (A efectos de reglas, la fv temporal de los exorcistas y la fe temporal del demonio)

Un fracaso en cualquiera de las dos partes de este proceso da la victoria a la parte contraria irremediablemente


Si un alma se salva, recomiendo, basandome en el texto del TdJ en el que questucati "desaparece", que el humano no posea reuerdos relativos al tiempo en el cual su cuerpo albergó un demonio. Igualmente, para evitar que esto sea un chiste, al ser liberada, sea tomada por otro demonio, recomiendo que el exorcismo (un arma de la fe, a fin de cuentas) impida que ese alma sea poseida, evitando así por reglas que esto sea un "quita y pon" de demonios en el cuerpo. (Obviamente no se podría hacer un exorcismo a alguien no poseido para otorgarle esta inmunidad; aunque probablemente los exorcistas tengan otro tipo de oraciones para ello)

Además, un demonio exorcizado sin haber pasado la primera tirada (la de salvar el alma), digo que muere, pero tb podria quedar en coma, has expulsado al demonio, pero no tienes por que matar al cuerpo, es solo que la muerte me parece mas "generalista". Asumir que un exorcismo exitoso sin la primera tirada genera cuerpos en coma, no me parece tan serio como que cause muertes, pero vamos, no me parece incorrecto casos de coma puntuales, igual que casos de paraplejia (espalda rota por las convulsiones), pero siempre casos puntuales, en general yo entiendo que deberia causar muerte.

Otro aspecto es la manipulación mental. Es muy triste que un exorcista se enfrente a un demonio, tras la tipica preparación previa, y mediando algún saber (o incluso disciplina o esfera, caso de haber presente otro sobrenatural) tipo "acatas una orden de una palabra" o similar, se le diga un "vete" o similar y el exorcista huya. Para esto, someto a consideración otro ritual, que sería la parte de preparación previa que los exorcistas hacen antes de "enfrentarse al maligno" y estaría destinado a proteger su mente contra este tipo de influencias (el actual exorcista del vaticano, el padre Gabriele Amorth, lo llama "investirse con el manto de María" o algo así).

Para Demonio, el númen de exorcismo que existe en Vampiro no deberia ser valido, ya que deberia primar las propias reglas de esta linea de juego antes que otras, que datan de tiempos anteriores a este juego.

sábado, 20 de diciembre de 2008

Ambientación de sLAng

Hablabamos hace un tiempo sobre Los Angeles. Yo dije, intuyendo;
Dicen que los capitulos 5 a 7 del sLAng están muy bien
Y ahora que un socio me ha conseguido copia, me reafirmo. Es recursos imprescindible para ambientar en LA. Ningún manual puede hacer el trabajo de un buen narrador, pero puede darle la informacion muy procesada para que él haga su trabajo, y estas paginas lo hacen.

Está muy bien, habla de bandas de LA, habla de mafia, habla de la poli de LA (departamentos, codigos de radio), habla de juicios, habla de cárcelas, habla de pena de muerte. Habla de barrios, habla de chorradas como los taxis de LA, que dejan de ser chorradas en cuanto ambientan tus partidas, es cojonudo, en su momento me lo encuadernaré, y eso para mi vale tanto o más como el "ciudad de angeles" (que la verdad, solo vale para barrios, y por que trae pnjs, documentacioon esto es lo mejor que he visto para LA)

Algo hay que criticar, y critico que falta legislación de armas. creo que de pasada hay alguna linea, pero vamos, falta justo "lo mas basico" Te hablan de taxis, y no te hablan de legislación de armas de fuego...

Y luego un mapa de la ciudad, que ocupa varias paginas. Bien, la verdad que con el ratio de documentación por pagina que tiene, usar paginas para meter mapas, es tirar papel...pero vamos, critico por criticar, está bien que tenga un mapa, es solo que para eso ya tenemos google. Desde la óptica de que esto es una critica, por que algo hay que criticar, pues lo mejoraria usando esas páginas para meter información ampliada sobre el clima, estadisticas de delitos, puntos de conciertos... hay muchas formas de aprovechar mejor un folio que poniendo un mapa, si es una pagina casi mejor pon el mapa, pero siendo varias, algo importante ya podremos meter si nos dejamos de tanto mapear

No ha publicado ww (ni publicará) una ambientación de una ciudad real con esta tasa de utilidad en la vida Esto es para ir a los que escribieron el sLAng y decirles "Tu juego no me interesa, pero esta parte la saco mucho uso"

domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2008


La Madre Oscura. Curiosamente, esta figura en Demonio, es como lo que hablamos de la Fé Verdadera, las auras, y la sangre, Desde la óptica de Demonio, no hay mención alguna a Lilith. Los Elohim, que recuerdan el Edén y forjaron La Creación, estuvieron allí, y no vieron nada de ninguna Lilith. Lilith no existe en Demonio.

No obstante se reconoce la figura de Caín. ¿La progresión lógica desde una óptica crossover no sería añadir a Lilith en la história del Edén?

Introducir a Lilith nos permitiría una compatibilidad plena entre los orgenes biblicos de Vampiro y Demonio, y es un poco extraño que Lilith quede fuera de la historia del Edén. No causa ningún problema introducir a Lilith en el Edén como lo relatan las Revelaciones de la Madre Oscura, (libro de vampiro, ajeno a Demonio por pertenecer a otro juego) ya con independencia de que optemos por respetar solo la parte Edénica o queramos respetar plenamente todo el curso de la história, pero considero que su presencia en el Edén como primera mujer que fué anatemizada por no someterse sexualmente a Adán, siendo desterrada y saliendo después Eva de la costilla de Adán, es muy enriquecedora para el trasfondo global (que demonios, e incluso aunque no nos interesen otros juegos, creo que es una bonita historia!)

La verdad es que no comprendo como Lilith ha sido tratada en Vampiro, y posteriormente en Demonio, incluso haciendo referencia al Edén, a Caín, y a un fuerte crossover con wraith (un juego para entonces cerrado) han dejado de lado a Lilith...

sábado, 13 de diciembre de 2008

Imágenes IV

lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2008

Facciones V: Reconciliadores

Leer más... Angels are, by nature, creatures of virtue. Even the fallen remember their uncorrupted nature.

Some virtues come easily to beings of godlike wisdom and power. But the virtue of humility is not one of them.

Nonetheless, the silence of the Abyss gives much time for reflection. Like the Cryptics, the Reconcilers spent their time of imprisonment contemplating deep questions. But where the Cryptics looked outward and back, the Reconcilers looked inward... and forward.

Their most essential question was: What if we were wrong?

What if? What if the rebellion was as evil as Michael and the loyal Host said? What if God's punishing touch was somehow justified by the disobedience of His servants and children? What if usiel and lailah were right all along that by trying to avoid the Age of Wrath, the Unholy Host only made it real?

If so -if the construction of Hell was necessary, if the sundering facets was merited, if the condemnation of the fallen was just- then what do the fallen do now?

Some believe that even in the eleventh hour, the mercy of God can be found. These Reconcilers listen with hope to the stories of Jesus, of Mohammed, of other human prophets and saviors. Maybe God has forgiven mankind. And if He can forgive them, might no His mercy extend to penitent servants as well?

Even if His punishment is eternal, and the Elohim are barred forever from His presence... well, might not the Earth be repaired? perhaps not restored to the Paradise it was, but something great, and glorious, and maybe even pure, could be raised from the ashes. The fallen have lost much of their power, true, but the world is smaller as well. Surely a third of the heavenly Host can still improve the universe, can still help and serve humanity?

This is the Reconciler's hope: to make peace with their Maker and jailer. Failing that, they hope to make peace with unending exile.


The Reconcilers are modestly friendly toward the Faustians. After all, they share the goal of directly improving the world, even if they don't see eye-to-eye on how to do it or why. They are also open to Cryptics because they think the questions eventually lead to Reconciler answers.

No, the Reconcilers consider their main enemies to be the Luciferians and the Raveners. The Luciferians because their opposition to God is their primary, stated goal. (Granted, it's a goal for the Faustians too, but it seems ancillary to their self-aggrandizement.) That sort of concerted, organized resistance is the sort of thing that makes reconciliation much less likely.

If the Luciferians are despised for their orderly, stupid refusal to face facts, the Raveners are worse for their reckless, chaotic despair and nihilism. It's pathetic when a onetime minister of existence can't conceive a better goal than, "Shit on everything I made."


As the least destructive goal, reconciliation holds little appeal for antsy Devourers. While the idea of remaking the world might seem tempting to them, the Faustian program -which tends to be more active and less contemplative- gets those Devourers who still retain interest in improving things.

The abstract and long-term nature of the Reconcilers' goals tends to attract more thoughtful and conceptual demons, particularly those of the Second and Last Houses. Scourges and Slayers are both closely tied to human (and cosmic) decays and death, so the promise of renewal and reinvention is clearly attractive to them. Additionally, both Houses tend to feel guilt over the mortality and decline they inflicted on mankind. Of all fallen goals, Reconciliation holds out the most promise of making it up to them.


The Devil Nuriel leads the Reconcilers, and her reputation is such to give even the most scornful Ravener pause. Before the Fall, she was the Throne of Inexorable Command. During the rebellion, she was Overlord of Daring Liberation, and many Elohim who oppose her cause still owe their existence to her superbly executed rescue raids during the Age of Wrath.

Nuriel is a warrior who has grown sick of fighting and seeks a better way. While she is the chief speaker (and planner) for the Reconcilers, its real philosophical soul is the Scourge Ouestucati, onetime Archangel of the Ocean Wind. One of the few fallen who is penitent without anger, she leads primarliy by example. Her tranquility and hope give hope to others that they, too, may adapt to banishment.


The immediate goal of the Reconcilers is to take stock of the cosmos and learn as much as possible about its current condition. Doing so means exploring the human condition, so many Reconcilers are travelers, seeking a balanced view of mankind and man's world. THey don't stop at the edges of human experience, though. They are seeking the truth about the supernatural as well. have all the loyal angels really abandoned the world, or do any facets remain, even partially?

Facciones IV: Luciferinos

Leer más... Angels are undying creatures, and when compassed by the span of an infinite lifetime, any setback short of destruction is a temporary thing.

Not every Hell-bound spirit lost faith. Not every fallen angel gave up hope. Even in defeat, some stayed true to the principles that led them to rebel. Love for mankind. Loyalty to Lucifer. A committed belief that their cause was right, and that Heaven and the obedient Host were wrong.

Luciferians are as ready to do battle for their beliefs today as they were when they were hurled, spitting defiance, into their gloomy prison. While many bowed, bitter and tormented, they are unbroken. Indeed, many find much encouragement in their new circumstances.

The world may be ruined, singular and mechanistic, but by the same token, there seem to be no angels left running the show. Even a vastly weakened army can triumph if it takes the field unopposed.

Add to that the heartening fact tht they were able to escape imprisonment in the first place. If they are truly anathema to God, hated in His eyes and, by the words of His messenger, condemned to eternal torture... how has it come to pass that so many have re-entered the world of men? The Cryptics may mutter about divine subterfuge, but isn't it simpler to think that God's power is simply fading? That the demons of hell find freedom because God's cages have lost their strength?

Most important, they point in triumph to Lucifer's absence from Hell. The Luciferians believe, not that he merited some unique punishment, but that he escaped punishment altogether. Perhaps their strongest stayed free, because their foes were unable to confine him! perhaps the sundering of the Abyss is his doing! Perhaps the Adversary waits even now, watching to see who is still ready to fight... and who will prove too weak.


The Luciferians are surprisingly tolerant toward Raveners. Since the Raveners retain their military bent, Luciferians tend to regard them as soldiers with admirable zest. They just need some discipline, and they'll be useful once again.

The same sort of condescension and backhanded goodwill extends towards the Faustians, only in reverse. To a Luciferian, a Faustian has sufficient discipline and the right general idea they just need to remember who's boss.

No, the factions that earn Luciferian ire are the hesistant, the cowardly, the muddlepated and indecisive: the Cryptics and the Reconcilers.

Cryptics are like swimmers who question the dive in midair. They're so obsessed with sorting through myriad possibilities that they give little thought to the facts on the ground and the here and now. Neurasthenic navel-gazing is beneath the dignity of any Elohim, but nonetheless the Cryptics' main preoccupation. To the action-oriented Luciferians, the contemplative questioners are ultimately useless and weak.

The only thing worse than being weak is being treacherous. Therefore, the only thing worse than a quivering Cryptic is an ass-kissing Reconciler. These pathetic, deluded Elohim are like Swimmers who turn in mid dive and try to climb back on the diving board! Apparently they weren't paying attention when the full implications of rebellion were discussed, nor when the heavenly Host damned them to the Abyss. You'd think a term in hell would show them the truth about God's forgiveness, but instead they cling like lampreys to the idea of making peace with Him.


Lucifer ruled the First House, and Angelic loyalties die with difficulty. Many Devils still rally to the banner of their once (and future?) lord. Some may simply believe that, as Dawn Spirits themselves, their place in the Morningstar's new world will be a high one. Others though they would never admit it look to Lucifer to fill the void left by God's rejection. They crave orders to carry, and the Adversary was always good at giving them.

Some Devourers who fought well in the war remain loyal, buoyed up by memories of glory and hopes for revenge. By and large, these Devourers are less burdened by Torment than their fellows in the Ravener camp. Unlike the nihilists, Luciferian Devourers still have hope that something can be built from the world once all the clutter is cleared away of course.

Scourges are also attracted to the Luciferian cause for many of the same reasons as Devils. As the second rank of nobility among the Houses, there's a certain appeal to siding with the onetime Highest Angel. More than that, there's a profound appeal to believing that the Unholy Host is not just rising again, but that it never really fell. if that's true, then maybe the punishments meted out by God and declared by Michael can be foiled as well particularly the devastating curse of human decay and death.

Despite this promise, few Slayers are Luciferian. As members of the Last House, there's no snob factor to appeal to them. More than that, though, the Slayers, whose punishment was arguably the most horrifying, seem the least able to believe that the first war was anything other than a decisive loss for the rebels.


Grifiel, the highest rebel of Wild House, remains loyal to Lucifer despite all the misery and defeat he has endured on the Morningstar's behalf. Once a noble and honorable warrior, Grifiel has discarded his scruples and ethics one by one along with his beauty, his sanity and his ability to love. He follows the Adversary less from conviction than from mad obsession. Denying Lucifer would be like admitting that everything he has lost and suffered is pointless. He'll be hurled back into Hell or reduced to nothing at all before giving up the rebellion.

While Grifiel retain the cunning and ruthlessness one looks for in a front-line leader, the Scourge Nazriel has emerged as the ultimate leader of the Luciferians -until the Morningstar returns, of course. Styling herself Nazathor, Princess of Majestic Liberation, she maneuvers her faction with care and caution- striking hard, but quickly sinking back into the safety of the night. Reputed to be Lucifer's lover, few dare oppose her.


The primary goal of the Luciferian faction is, obviously, the location of their leader. Accomplishing this involves a threefold plan. First, Luciferian outriders are sent to scour the globe for any sign of demonic activity. Initially they were sent individually, but too many lone wolves got picked off by Earthbound, hostile demon factions or more mysterious beings. Now they're sent in packs.

Secondly, the Luciferians are keeping a close watch on the media. Specifically, they're trying to invest money in it and gain influential media thralls in order to get first dibs on incoming news that might involve demons. It also gives them an advantage covering up Luciferian activities, as well as a platform for sending out covert messages. But, as with the outriders, the Luciferians have found unusual opposition in the media as well.

Thirdly, the Luciferians are mounting an aggressive communications campaign among the fallne. Lucifer himself hasn't answered the call, but sooner or later, every hell-damned Elohim whose name is remembered by a Luciferian can expect an invocation asking for information.

domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2008

Facciones III: Voraces

Leer más...
The Age of Wrath was long and hard. A lot of good people and valiant Elohim suffered and died. Illusions were lost. Honor gave way to pragmatism, which in turn sank beneath the weight of vengeance and angel and simple despair. Men discovered evil, and angels learned to embrace hatred. By the end of the war, many among the fallen had become little more than living engines of destruction, their joy in creation perverted into a love only of annihilation.

They were crazed, vicious and debased before the war was lost. Before they were stripped of the greater part of their power. Before they were condemned to a maddening Hell of isolation and loss for a term that felt like forever even to eternal beings.

Now, those bitter and wrathful Elohim have emerged from ages spent with no distraction save the pain of their own sanity eating itself... and they find a world as loathsome and corrupted as they themselves have been. Beholding a fouled planet, a debased and cruel humanity and a cosmos shrunk into a withered husk of its onetime glory, they see only one meaningful act.


Destroy Everything.

Wipe away this cruel mockery of the Paradise they once designed. Give humanity the merciful silence of the grave. Destroy the works of God at an and all times, hoping perhaps to provoke Him into finally annihilating them.

Victory is impossible for the fallen, but they may yet be strong enough to wreck the prize --- the world --- even as it is wrested from their grasping claws.


As the most radical faction, the Raveners have the most enemies.

They hate the Luciferians for being willfully mislead. If Lucifer engineered the Great Escape, just where is he? It's nauseating to watch being who were once the lords of Creation scuttling around looking for a new bearded patriarch to lead them to glory, smite the wicked and tuck them into bed at night. They might as well wait for Godot as their precious Morningstar.

Perhaps the only spectacle more repulsive than Elohim acting like children is Elohim acting like parents. The Faustians have gone from serving God, to opposing God, to being brutalized by God... to thinking they can replace God? The Raveners find this train of reasoning laughable, especially since the Faustians think they're the crazy ones.

While the Faustians and Luciferians are insane to think they can still make any kind of serious assault against God, they at least understand that there's a war going on and that it didn't stop just because one side was beaten into submission for a million year. The Reconcilers are, perhaps, the winnders of the hotly contested "Most Despised by Ravener" label simply because they are the most optimistic.

About the only faction the Raveners even tolerate is the Cryptics, simply because they don't (yet) stand for much. Raveners figure they'll eventually get fed up with asking "Why?" and start smashing stuff. It's the only natural course for a realist.


The ravening Devourer is a stereotype for good reason. Devourers are perhaps the least inclined toward deliberate reflection, and Raveners are the faction of action. Unlike every other group, the Raveners hold out no hope for eventual victory, so why bother with plans for a hundred ears from now or ten or even one? Living hard and dying harder are honorable goals to the virile Devourers.
The subtler Raveners are the Defilers who became soured on beauty by war and exile. Now dedicated to taking an ugly world and making it uglier, they ar the oft-unseen velvet glove moving in the shadow of an Devourer's iron fist. A ravening Devourer who finds you will probably just kill you. A ravening Defiler is more likely to craft you into someone who destroys himself --- after undermining or outright wrecking everything you once valued.

Arrayed against the Raveners are the majority of Malefactors. Perhaps their attunement to the Earth's depths makes the surface decay less offensive to them. Perhaps staid and careful natures used to working on geological time are uncomfortable with the faction's perceived spontaneity. Or perhaps they cannot repress their ultimately creative natures enough to pledge allegiance to destruction.


Sauriel the Releaser commands the respect and obedience of his fellow Raveners. One of the few Slayers to pursue the Ravener philosophy, he is on of the few who can pursue vengeance and cruelty even beyond the grave. Once on of Lucifer's Archdukes, he leads by threat and intimidation more than persuasion.

His opposite number is Suphlatus. She used to be the Giver of Flowing Waters, but now is the Duchess of Dust. She believes (and loudly proclaims) that the fall of the rebellion was due to treachery from within --- specifically, treachery by the one rebel who was conspicuously absent from the Abyss. "One who betrayed once would betray again," she declares, and she now sets herself the task of undermining the best efforts of men, angels and demons alike. The hatred between her and Nazathor is so potent that just to step between them is to be scalded by wrath.


While Raveners have a reputation for mindless carnage, they are actually fairly careful to choose targets that can be isolated and assaulted without reprisal. Raveners are particularly active in war-torn regions where their viciousness can easily be blamed on either side (or, ideally, blamed on each by the other). To perform these missions, however, requires a safe base to which they can return. Ravener bases are currently under construction in northern Iraq, Macedonia, the mountains of Mexico and in Kashmir. More raveners are being sent to western Africa, the Andes mountains in South America, and the areas between the Aral and Caspian seas. Raveners operate in North America, but in smaller numbers and with more subtlety than elsewhere.

Facciones II: Crípticos

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Spending uncounted ages imprisoned in a lightless, soundless, sensationless void is a pretty harsh punishment, but it does provide one thing.

It provides a lot of time to think.

After the initial shock of defeat --- after the horror and agony of Hell --- even after the despair of untold eventless eons --- some fallen have taken a step back and reconsidered their initial assumptions. Some have contemplated, taken stock and tried to puzzle out what went so disastrously wrong.

These inquisitive Elohim have reached some startling conclusions.

First and foremost, God's perspective is either omniscient or so removed and all-pervasive as to be nearly omniscient --- especially when compared to such limited beings as humans and even angels. If a lowly light like Ahrimal could see trouble brewing, God surely foresaw it ages before that.

Secondly, God is either perfect or (again) close enough to make no odds. Therefore, the angels He created must have been either a perfet model of His desires, or as close to that model as reality could tolerate. While it's possible that the gross stuff of the material world was too weak to support perfect servants, it is unthinkable that God would allow that imperfection to take the form of disobedience... unless rebellion was not an imperfection.

Thirdly, Lucifer --- as the first among angels and the closest to God in power --- must, by virtue of his power and position, be closer to God's ideal than any other. The observed fact that he was the first and best of the rebels is the clinching argument that the rebellion --- with the consequent corruption of reality and ghastly punishment of men and Elohim --- was actually the enactment of God's plan, rather than a deviation from it.

Now that they are freed from their durance, these Cryptics have taken their logical premises and used them as the foundation for new questions.

If God knew about the rebellion, surely He knew about the demons' eventual escape from the abyss. What, then, is His new plan for His unwitting servants?

Since Lucifer was not imprisoned and he answers no summons, what was the Morningstar's fate? Personal destruction for his role as leader? Some other torment, possibly even worse than Hell? Or --- most likely --- did he escape punishment because he was privy to God's plan all along?

Finally, and most importantly --- if the fallen have been God's pawns all this time, is there any way to escape that fate in the future?

Or should they even try?


The Cryptics aren't terribly fond of the Raveners --- what's to like? --- but they see the Raveners' mad, thoughtless flailing as ultimately meaningless. Like ants on a kicked-over hill, they mill about wildly but accomplish nothing.

The Reconcilers are too idealistic, but at least they're asking question instead of trumpeting specious answers. No, the factions that really bother the Cryptics are the Luciferians and the Faustians.

Both groups have the same problems. They talk and they don't listen. They make proud declarations, which mostly reveal the gaps in their logic. They've got their eyes and minds shut, and they pity anyone who lacks their sense of blind misled mission.


Many Malefactors find their way to the questioner clique. It's a natural fir for their steady, methodical tendencies. making up perhaps the most pragmatic House of all, angels of the House of the Fundament seem unusually able to examine their fundamental assumptions without castigating themselves for error. One can almost see them shrug and hear them mutter, "It didn't work. What will?"

A more fervently inquisitive House is that of the Slayers. While they may ask the same questions as the Malefactors, they have a wounding personal stake in the answers. In the war they were made to bring the atrocity of death upon their beloved humanity, and the guilt and sorrow they still feel demands answers.


Ahrimal, the lowly Fate who first foresaw the Age of Wrath, has emerged as one of the most strident and influential of the Cryptics. His position among the fallen is a strange one, though. Famous (or infamous) as one of the architects of revolution, the lowest angel to be named a prince by Lucifer, he is now one of the most insistent questioners. He sits athwart many stresses within demonic society: created rank vs. merited authority in the rebellion; loyalty vs. autonomy; hope vs. despair. Admired, respected or merely despised, mentioning his name is generally a good way to start passionate debate among the fallen.

Gipontel, a Fundamental and onetime Archangel, represents a more accessible faction of the Inquisition. A self-appointed coalition-builder, he encourages Cryptics to make truces with other factions and even ally with them in order to observe, understand and maybe even learn. If their contributions foster a more open and inquisitive attitude in others, is that such a bad thing?


Access to information --- demonic, scientific, human historic, mythological or "other" --- is an over-arching Cryptic urge. Any particular datum could hold a vital clue.

More immediately, the Cryptics have established their primary stronghold in Atlanta, Georgia, and they are rapidly beefing up ancillary safe houses in Dallas, Chicago, and Washington, DC in the United States. Basically, they're aiming to get a tough cadre in place at every major airline hub. They're expanding similarly in Europe, starting from Heathrow in London. Smaller cadres have been assigned to Tokyo, Beijing and Rio de Janeiro.

The point of having strong defensive positions near large airports is that it preserves their mobility --- and their ability to monitor the travels of other fallen. Theri immediate goal is to create an inventory of every fallen who walks the Earth. Learning of the Earthbound has made finding those demons a priority as well.

These master lists --- the Scelestinomicon (Book of the Rebels) for fallen, and the Crucianomicon (Book of the Tormented) for Earthbound --- are meant initiallty to form the nucleus of an information network for all fallen. As the Cryptic faction grows, use of them may become more defined --- or less open.

Facciones I: Fausticos

Voy a copiar de la muerta blazeofnight los textos referentes a las facciones.
Las facciones se formaron en el infierno, en el caos que surgió cuando los caídos se percataron de que Lucifer no había sido encerrado en el infierno con ellos. Estos textos hablan de como se encuentran las facciones después de la liberación de los demonios.

Leer más...
The Faustians have observed the power of human faith and have concluded that, even trapped in an unfaceted singular world, the Children of Adam have power that is of the same nature as God's. Admittedly, their degree of power is miniscule, but every child born caries a spark of holy fire. Gather enough sparks together, and the fire could one day eclipse the sun.

Faustians find the general state of humankind greatly reduced since Edenic times --- like grouchy grandparents, they are convinced that people today are weaker, stupider, sillier, less reasonable, less respectful... just generally devolved from the times they recall. But at the same time, humankind's aggregate ability to define reality around them is, if anything, stronger than it was when they numbered in millions instead of billions. Yet humans are using most of their strength to repress themselves! Their greatest faith is placed in proof --- the one thing that doesn't need faith to be true. Consequently, even as their grasp on the world gets stronger, that very grasp constricts and constrains reality into ever tighter ever narrower instances. It's possible that if they continue on this course, faith may define itself right out of existence leaving behind a cold world of absolute, mechanical certainty.

While such a world has no place for God, it also lacks a niche for demons, and is therefore intolerable to the Faustians.

Humanity, as found in the fallen world, is a bonfire smoldering out of control, rapidly using up the obvious sources of fuel and in danger of guttering out. The Faustian philosophy is based on harnessing and husbanding this power --- controlling the burn, renewing the fuel and building the engines that can focus humanity's divine energies outward instead of inward. It will take careful guidance and leadership, of course, but in the end, human faith is, itself, the best hope of freeing the world from God.


Faustians have a bemused tolerance for Reconcilers. True, Reconcilers cling to a foolish belief that they can make up with The Almighty, but once they get over that adolescent optimism, they might grow up to more mature (that is, Faustian) goals. Luciferians get much the same treatment. They may be taking the wrong road to victory against Heaven, but at least they've got the map out.

The Faustian ambition to perfect the human rebellion against God (or, depending on which Faustian you ask, to enslave humanity for a spiritual rebellion against God) runs directly counter to the Ravener policy of wrecking everything and killing everyone. Consequently, Ravener demons are strongly encouraged to set aside their mindless wrath and regain hope. Failing that, the Faustians tend to sic their faithful humans on them.

A more subtle opposition exists with the Cryptics. The Faustians are quite confident that they've got it all figured out, and nagging questioners are more than just pests --- they can imperil the resolve of the fallen doing the great work of building the future. Worse still, they can cast doubt into the hearts of mortal followers.

While Faustians despise Raveners as agents of chaos and destruction, their aggravation with Cryptics is deeper and more irksome because the Cryptics are so resistant to persuasion. To a zealous Faustian, an inconvenient question is worse than a Ravener's claw to the throat.


The grandeur and scope of the Faustian scheme appeals to many ambitious demons. Having humans do most of the heavy lifting narrows that appeal, limiting it to those who are comfortable with getting others to do their dirty work. But for those who fit both categories, Faustianism is a perfect philosophy.

Devils, as the onetime order-givers for the Universe, are certainly used to seeing others do what they say, and as the First House they have the confidence to dare much. Defilers, too, have always had great hopes for the collective power of humanity: Inspiring them to apotheosis seems a captivating adventure. Finally, there are many Faustian Malefactors. For them, the appeal is not so much in the scope of the plan, but in its pragmatism. The Faustians have a plan, with concrete goals, that can be achieved now. The Malefactors' tremendous abilities to tempt and manipulate humans is just icing on the cake.

The only House that is notably absent from the Faustian edifice is the Second. Scourges are keenly --- perhaps morbidly --- aware of the frail, frightened and failing nature of humankind. Relying on such weak links looks (to them) like a recipe for failure.


The Devil Belphigor is one of the strongest fallen who has yet returned to Earth, and he came back with the added bonus of a vessel that was both attractive and physically powerful. Belphigor quickly insinuated himself into the hierarchy of one of America's New Age religions and splintered off his own version of it. Working within its framework, Belphigor hopes to clear the world of divine interference before two generations pass.

The Defiler Senivel, her House's first ambassador to humankind, is also a Faustian, but one with a more humanistic bent. Where Belphigor sees the Faustian revolution as being demonkind's best hope, Senivel hopes it will prove to ultimately fulfill both mortals and Elohim. (Mortals by letting them replace God their Father at the helm of the universe, and spirits by giving them a new master to serve.)


Generally, Faustians are in favor of world peace and opposed to contraception --- not for any benevolent reasons, but because they want more humans around, period.

Faustians have infested Rome and Jerusalem in hopes of finding (and harnessing) populations with high concentrations of faith. Their main outpost, however, is in the United State. (It seems clear to the Faustians that the US is currently the most powerful nation and, thus, best suited to be bent to their will.) Specifically, Belphigor's "Church of Scientific Spirituality" has purchased a large parcel of desert land outside of Flagstaff, Arizona. Miles from any other population center, they intend to start a city there from scratch, encouraging people "of the right sort" to settle there.

Observant fallen suspect that the site's proximity to a gigantic meteor crash is not accidental. One of the earliest fallen victories in the War of Wrath was when they felled great Vejovis, an angel of the Firmament. Many suspect that the "meteor" in the bottom of the crater is nothing less than Vejovis's ancient corpse.